Technology Stuff
Submitted by Aldon Hynes on Tue, 05/03/2005 - 13:36Over the years, I've had several different blogs running several different programs on several different servers. Most of them are still up and running and you can read much of my old posts if you search around a little.
One blog I set up was running MovableType on a PC in my kitchen. It is also the PC that my daughter uses much of the time. Unfortunately, something causes the server to get stuck and she needs to reboot before the PC works reliably.
Yesterday, I spent some time trying to find out exactly what is causing the problem. As best as I can tell, the old MovableType blog gets stuck in a tight loop.
How the world is.
Submitted by Aldon Hynes on Sun, 05/01/2005 - 20:23"White dawn. Stillness"
I remember when I first heard those words intoned.
This is College of Wooster. This is my freshman year. The year is nineteen hundred and seventy-seven. Denise Levertov is speaking at the installation of Henry Copeland as the college's ninth president. I am mesmerized as I hear her read "A Tree telling of Orpheus", and like the tree, I too am changed.
Years later, I read "Chekhov on West Heath"
"This is Hampstead. This
is Judge’s Walk. It is nineteen hundred
and forty-one.
The war? They take it for granted;
It was predicted while they were children,
And has come to pass. It means
no more ballet school, Betty is ill,
I am beginning to paint in oils.
The war is simply
how the world is, to which they were born.
They share
The epiphanies of their solitudes"
Youth Rights Media
Submitted by Aldon Hynes on Fri, 04/29/2005 - 10:03(Originally posted on the DeStefano for CT blog)
I joined the DeStefano campaign for many reasons. I like his policies and the way he has thought them out. I like his willingness to engage in dialog about what is best for New Haven and for Connecticut. I like his willingness to explore new media to get the message across, and I like his call on all of us to expect more of ourselves and our state.
Yesterday, I received an email from Fernando J. Muñiz of the Connecticut Juvenile Justice Alliance about the film, CJT$: At What Cost? The film was produced by Youth Rights Media.
Submitted by Aldon Hynes on Thu, 04/28/2005 - 11:26It has been a very busy week. I've been spending a lot of time writing blog entries for (Please stop by, read the posts and if you feel so moved, add a comment or two.)
Miranda had her first softball game this week. I've been busy with things for, and I've been trying to get a chance to write a follow up on a few recent blog posts here.
Today, Ed Daniel contacted me about a new site, Disruptive Mice. On first glance it looks very interesting. When the dust settles, I want to spend a bunch of time exploring the site.
More soon...
"Love is but a song we sing..."
Submitted by Aldon Hynes on Sun, 04/24/2005 - 20:14Back when I was still married to my first wife and my eldest daughter was still a toddler, I attended a wedding in Long Island. I was at an age in my life where there was nothing unusual about attending weddings. I was going to an Episcopalian church where many people my age were getting married. As good Episcopalians we were used to boldly proclaiming the affirmation when we were asked if we would do all in our power to support the new couple.
Most of us moved on from those days in New York City and I wonder how many of my friends are still married and how well all of us have done in our support of these couples.
I had gotten married a few years earlier and like so many people my married life mirrored the married life of my parents. I don’t remember seeing much joy or tenderness in my parent’s marriage and I suspect that neither my ex nor I look back at our marriage as having much tenderness or joy. It isn’t surprising that both my marriage and my parent’s marriage ended in divorce.
The wedding on Long Island could have come straight out of the social register. Two young and extremely successful Wall Street professionals, with great lineage, were getting married at one the finest country clubs on Long Island. So, there I was, a child of Ethan Frome attending a Great Gatsby wedding.