Radio EchoDitto

Back in early December, I wrote a patch to CivicSpace to so that you could use it for podcasting.

Today, I received an IM Tim Jones at EchoDitto. EchoDitto is a bunch of techies from the Dean Campaign that have set up a company that are doing some neat technology stuff.

He was letting me know that Radio EchoDitto is now up and running. I am currently listening to their podcast about 'World of Warcraft', as well as podcasting.

They are talking about the social aspects of 'World of Warcraft', the idea of podcasting or streaming 'World of Warcraft' games, which borders onto the whole world of machinima.

I'm glad to see that someone is making use of the patch, and it will be interesting to see what they come up with.

My reflections on the State Chair race

Reflections on the State Chair Race

After the November elections, many people have been reflecting on the direction of the Democratic Party, both nationally and in Connecticut. Nationally, the November 3rd theses set the tone. Another friend wrote about the issues that the Democrats face here.

Locally, Democrats in Connecticut did okay. It was great to see the victories of Ed Meyer, Deborah Heinrich and Gayle Slossberg. However, there are still more Republicans in the U.S. House of Representatives than there are Democrats.

Cheryl and Linda

One of the first funerals Kim and I went to together after her mother died was Linda Bergwall’s. Many years earlier, Linda and I had gone to the same church together. It was a close knit group of kids in their twenties. We would all go to the beach together on weekends. The retreats were special events.

Linda was a talented sweater designer and a very special woman. She had a long battle with breast cancer, and it was hard for Kim and I to go to her funeral, especially so after Kim’s mother had died of cancer.

Perhaps that is part of the reason why Greg Hammond’s blog about his life with his wife Cheryl while she was fighting her cancer, and how he is dealing with life now especially touches me.

Running for State Chair, updated 1/10 5:45 PM

Back on December 22nd, I wrote a blog entry about rumors that George Jepsen might not be running for re-election for State Chair. I mentioned that my wife suggested that I run for State Chair. Within a few days, the rumors were confirmed and an exciting race for State Chair has emerged.

People online picked up on this, such as Jerome Armstrong at MyDD wrote about it on his blog, and sent me a note encouraging me to consider running. It was picked up on Democratic Underground, and I’ve been getting messages from around the country about this.

Is the blogosphere good?

Yesterday, friends came over to dinner and I introduced their daughter to MOOs. To quote the Wikipedia definition, “MOO is short for MUD object oriented and is a type of MUD text-based virtual reality system”. I am a big fan of MOOs, and it was the geek term that I used most often to glaze over the faces of my interlocutors before I started talking about blogs.

A lot has been written about MOOs. My Tiny Life, by Julian Dibbell, Hamlet on the Holodeck: The Future of Narrative in Cyberspace, by Janet H. Murray, and Life on the Screen: Identity in the Age of the Internet,
by Sherry Turkle each provide an interesting glimpse into MOOs. A friend of mine, Prof. David Jacobson teaches a college course on Social Relations in Cyberspace that goes into MOOs, as do many other professors, and has had many articles published in scholarly journals about the topic.

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