
Post posts about what is happening in the State of Connecticut.

Encouraging Civic Involvement, Redux

Last Friday, I wrote a blog post about encouraging civic involvement. In the blog post, I wrote about a request for a guardrail on a local road. I noted an article which noted that Seymour’s First Selectman “Koskelowski said he has never received a request from anyone other than the Rumbolds to put up a guardrail, but he said he understands their motivation.”

I sent an email to the First Selectman’s office in which I asked, “How many requests do you typically require before you put up a guardrail where there has been a fatal car accident? How many requests do you typically receive safety improvements in Seymour?“ I also wrote “I'm interested in any thoughts you might have on how to improve civic involvement on the local level and help First Selectman's offices around the state become more responsive to the requests of its residents.”

Today, I received a response from First Selectman Assistant Deirdre Caruso. It said, “Your email has been forwarded to the Town of Seymour Safety Director, which is the Chief of Police. This matter is currently under review.”

This may explain why First Selectman Koskelowski never received any requests. Perhaps they have all been intercepted by his assistant and sent to the Town of Seymour Safety Director. However, I must admit, I’m curious about why the Safety Director needs to review the First Selectman’s opinions about how to improve civic involvement.

For more coverage of this, I would encourage you to read an article in the New Haven Register about the guard rail request.

In other local civic involvement news, the Beecher Road School Parent Teacher Organization is scheduled to have its January meeting this evening at 7:15 at Beecher Road School. There will be a vote on amending the bylaws to require members be notified 48 hours in advance of any PTO meeting and that an agenda will be placed on the website within 48 hours of any PTO meeting. These are some good ideas for promoting civic involvement.

This coming Thursday, the Woodbridge Democratic Town Committee will be meeting. As part of the new business for the meeting is a “Democratic Caucus to endorse Democratic candidates for Town offices to be elected on May 4, 2009, and to transact other business as may be proper to come before said Caucus”.

I’m going to guess that it will be the same people that always show up at Town Committee meetings and there will be some friendly discussion about whom they can convince to run for one office or another. I’ve told members of the committee that I’m willing to run for any local office, according to the needs of the Town Committee. Though, given my interest in education, as noted on this blog, if I’m asked to run for any office, running for Board of Education would probably make the most sense.

So far this year, I’ve made it to every Board of Education meeting. The next one had been scheduled for Jan 20th, but has been pushed back until the 21st.

So, what’s going on in your town? Who is running for what office? Who is attending what meetings? Perhaps most importantly, who is writing about it so others can know what is going on.
Update: BRSPTO meeting has been canceled due to a scheduling conflict. Check the website for updates.

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Encouraging Civic Involvement

If there is one underlying theme for my blog, and perhaps for much of my life right now, it is encouraging civic involvement. Kim works for Common Cause, trying to bring about better government through more civic involvement, and that is what is so important about public financing of elections, to me. It is not so much about getting the corrupt money out of government as it is getting more citizens involved in the electoral process.

Now, a little over a week before the inauguration of our next President, there are lots of people trying to find ways to keep those who became so involved in the election involved in our civic life together.

The transition team has set up to promote civic involvement. The Presidential Inauguration Committee has their website up, including a section to create service events. I wrote about this a little bit earlier and have been getting great feedback. Please, find an event, or set one up yourself.

Change.Org is having a contest for the best ideas on how to change America. This, in and of itself is a great way to get people thinking and talking about changes they can make. Larry Lessig has a great blog post about why Citizens’ Funding of the Nations Elections should be one of the top choices. Please, watch the video, and cast your vote.

Others are also joining in the fight for clean government. Ben and Jerry’s is selling “Yes, Pecan!” ice cream during the month of January, and proceeds will go to Common Cause. They are also donating to Common Cause for people joining Common Cause on Facebook.

Beyond this, there are all kinds of interesting new tools becoming available to promote civic involvement. Ask Your Lawmaker has a new widget available. The widget lets “users ask and rank questions and hear the latest answers from Capitol Hill”.

MixedInk has now officially launched. They are a site where you can collaboratively write articles, Op-Eds, or just about anything you can imagine. Together, with Slate, they are asking people to help write a People's Inaugural Address, a fascinating idea on how to promote civic involvement.

MoveOn is hosting various Congressional Action Trainings across the country to help regular people become more effective citizen lobbyists. This is at the national level. On the State level, this raises some interesting questions that the State Elections Enforcement Commission is trying to grapple with. My wife Kim is a registered lobbyist. At the beginning of each year, she needs to go to the Office of State Ethics to get a lobbyist’s badge. It costs $150, and there are all kinds of filing requirements. This is for paid lobbyists. Yet each one of us, if we were more involved are lobbyists in our own ways. If a group like MoveOn got thousands of volunteers to much more actively lobby the State Legislators, what are the issues that the SEEC and the Ethics Office must face?

Pushing this a little bit further, we’re trying to work out a trip for Fiona’s class to go up to Hartford to learn how the legislature really works. Essentially, they will be student lobbyists for the day. How do we get more students civically involved? What are the issues?

Here, we get down to the local level. One of the things I would love to see is more people attending Board of Education meetings, Board of Selectmen meetings, City Council meetings, and so on, and then writing about it online. It used to be that the local papers did that, but the newspaper industry is having enough difficulties now that perhaps, just as we have volunteer fire departments in smaller towns, we need volunteer journalist departments. Be a volunteer journalist in your town!

It is this drive to promote civic involvement that has led me to many of my blog posts about technology education in our schools. Every school district in Connecticut should be working out their three-year technology plan right now. However, I find almost nothing about such plans online, and the plans that I do see often have very sparse representation of the community as a whole.

Here in Woodbridge, we are fortunate that the papers are surviving very well. The Amity Observer had an interesting article this week about a request for a guardrail on a local road. The town of Seymour has dragged its feet and this may end up in court.

What I found most interesting about the article, however, was that Seymour’s First Selectman “Koskelowski said he has never received a request from anyone other than the Rumbolds to put up a guardrail, but he said he understands their motivation.”

This too, is about civic involvement on the local level. I sent an email to First Selectman Koskelowski asking, “How many requests do you typically require before you put up a guardrail where there has been a fatal car accident? How many requests do you typically receive safety improvements in Seymour?“

I continued by saying, “I'm interested in any thoughts you might have on how to improve civic involvement on the local level and help First Selectman's offices around the state become more responsive to the requests of its residents.”

As of the posting of this blog entry, I have not received a response from First Selectman Koskelowski.

So, what do you think? What are your ideas for promoting civic involvement?

My regular readers will know that I like to promote Twitter as a tool to encourage civic engagement. Kim is starting to use Twitter more and one of her tweets earlier today highlights using Twitter to promote civic engagement. It is also an important notice:

Appropriations meetings are public, anyone interested in attending to support Clean Elections, please come on Mon. 11 AM, LOB, Htfd.

Technology for Technology Sake

I’ve been writing a lot about the role of technology in education recently, and have gotten into some very interesting discussions as a result. One of the discussions is about ‘technology for technology’ sake. Most people seem to be against it, I think for some good reasons, but I think it is important to explore the pros and cons by things we can mean when we talk about technology for technology sake.

Let me start off with a few of my thoughts about education. I grew up in Williamstown Massachusetts, home of Williams College, where President Garfield studied. There is a quote attributed to President Garfield saying, "The ideal college is Mark Hopkins on one end of a log and a student on the other." In many ways, this frames much of my thoughts about education. What the school walls are like, or how fancy the pencils are matters little compared to what a good educator brings to the equation.

For me, a good teacher, “places students at the center of the learning environment which uses as many resources as possible, including teachers and textbooks”. If that sounds familiar, it is from a quote from Carol-Ann Haycock about Resource Based Learning and can be found in the Resource Based Learning Policy of the Woodbridge Board of Education.

I am fortunate that my daughter is in the Multi Age Group (MAG) program at Beecher Road School, a program that brings resource based learning alive with an integrated curriculum. This year, my daughter tells me, they are studying water. She is fascinated by it and comes home and tells us about what they’ve been studying. She doesn’t mention the math, English, history, or other curriculum areas that she is learning in. She talks about water, and her math skills and her vocabulary skills excel as a result.

So, with a good teacher, it seems like the next important aspect is a good resource based integrated curriculum. Now, you could approach teaching technology this way, and I think there is a lot of merit to the idea. Students could learn their math, history, vocabulary and many other skills through studying technology. But this isn’t what most people seem to think about when they think about technology for technology sake.

Instead, they may be thinking along the lines of Neil Postman, who does a good job of poking wholes in the ideal of technology for technology sake in his book, Building a Bridge to the 18th Century: How the Past Can Improve Our Future.

There are problems with the idea of technology for technology sake. The idea that building a better mousetrap will solve whatever problems we face is tempting, but misguided. Yes, technology can be used for good. However, it can also be used for evil. We need to make sure that any technology teaching we do, teaches how to use technology for good.

Yet, I think there is a more fundamental issue. As much as we all may like integrated curricula or courses of study that really can improve our future, more and more I believe that at the earliest grades, we must start teaching technology for technology sake.

When students start school, we teach them about safely getting on and off the bus. We should be teaching our children how to safely get on and off the information super highway. In the classroom, we teach children how to pick up a pencil and make the shapes of letters and numbers. We help them improve their penmanship. Yet we don’t find people suggesting that we shouldn’t teach penmanship for penmanship sake. These days, the ability to type quickly and efficiently on a computer keyboard is as important, if not more important then the ability to write clearly in script was when I was young.

Teaching basic touch-typing is a good start, but I believe there is more technology for technology that should be taught. When I was learning to write, I was given lined paper to help me space my letters in a consistent and appropriate manner. Children today should learn about fonts and colors that are helpful or a hindrance in getting their messages across. Beyond that, there are so many other ways of communicating online.

I’m helping my daughter learn the basics of photo editing. She loves to take the digital camera and take thousands of pictures. With a digital camera, such photography isn’t wasting film, it is simply storing images in a digital format that can be deleted or shared later on. I am spending time helping her become better at deciding which pictures to keep and which to discard. Later, we may move on to other aspects of photo editing as well as editing audio or video. It would seem as if this sort of editing is valuable technology for technology sake.

Then, there is programming. I started my eldest daughters off in programming when they were in kindergarten. We found different versions of the Logo programming language and they had great fun playing with it. They learned about programming and about what goes into a computer program. I often told them that they could play any computer game that they could write. I never held that as a fast rule, but it helped shape their relationship to computer games into something I believe is much more healthy, fun, and productive.

So, should we be teaching technology for technology shape? If we are talking about technology as a topic of study in an integrated curriculum, it makes as much sense as it does to teach about water. If we are talking about some ill thought out techno-utopian ideal, then I sure hope not. Yet if we want our children to succeed in the twenty first century, I believe we need to focus on teaching basic touch typing, editing and programming in ways very similar to how penmanship has been approached.

What do you think?

Powerline Fire

Powerline Fire, originally uploaded by Aldon.

At around quarter of eleven this morning we heard a loud explosion outside our house and saw a bright flash. Looking outside, we branch lying across a couple power lines. It was smoldering. Fiona was particularly scared and she came up next to me. I pointed out the branch and said that it wasn’t anything really to worry about. As we watched, the branch caught fire. Kim called 911 and tweeted about the fire.

I ran upstairs to put on some good clothes for going outside, and we heard a second explosion. We didn’t see that one, but the power went out and when we looked outside, the branch had stopped burning.

Half an hour later, there had been no sign of the fire department. It was probably moot, because the rain had put out the fire, but still it was a concern. It may be that they tried to call, but couldn’t get through because the phone went out when the power went out.

Kim called the fire department to fill them in on what was going on, as well as to find out why no one came during the half hour after the explosion and fire. The person taking the call said that someone had come and said things were okay, although there was no sign that anyone had come. I walked to where near where the branch had been burning and it was clear from the lack of tracks in the snow that no one had been anywhere near where the fire was.

Kim called town hall to express her concern about this and soon after two firemen showed up. This was forty-five minutes to an hour after the fire and we are fortunate that it turned out to be a minor fire that the rain put out, yet we remain concerned about the breakdown of communications.

We were told that power would not be likely to be back on until four in the afternoon. So, when our driveway and the roads seemed safe enough, we drove over to Kim’s father’s house where there is still power and I can get online.

We’ve heard from our neighbor that a power truck is in our driveway now and so we should have power soon. So, it has been another exciting day. Yet again, I haven’t been able to get as much done as I would have liked, and will try to catch up soon enough.

4 PM Update:
We just got a call from our neighbor. Apparently, the power came back on briefly, and then there was another explosion, and the power is back out again. It is now estimated that the power will be out until 7 PM

Yes We Did, and We Will Continue to do so

The election is over and now everyone is preparing for the inauguration. You’d think that phonebanking would be over, but it’s not. This evening, with a winter storm warning in affect, I called twenty people from a list provided to me by Jen Just to ask them if they would be willing to participate in, or help organize a National Day of Service event here in Connecticut on the weekend before the inauguration.

I’ve spent a lot of time phonebanking over the years. I’ve done those election day phonebanks, where people have been called twenty times already and hate being called again. I’ve done the early primary calls, trying to find out whom people are supporting, or perhaps to persuade them to vote for the candidate I’m supporting.

I really hate phonebanking. It is tedious. Lots of people dislike getting the phonecalls and many are rude. Yet it is an important part of the electoral process, so I do it when I can.

Typically, I phonebank from some large room set up for phonebanking with phone after phone of volunteer. There is something important about this sort of phonebanking. The people around you help keep the spirits and energy up. There is community and camaraderie. Calling from my little home office by myself would be much more dispiriting.

Yet this was different. I was calling people who were volunteers, or who had expressed some sort of interest in the National Day of Service. I’m not sure exactly how they were chosen, but they were wonderful people to speak with.

I had twenty people on my list. One had no phone number. Another phone was out of service, and the third had a full voicemail box. One person wasn’t interested, and I left messages for ten other people. The remaining people were all of varied levels of interest. Some were going down to the inauguration and weren’t sure if they could help, but they would check the website and stay in touch. Others were going to be around and would check the website, had already committed to an event, or were actively planning an event.

A big concern of mine after the election has been what will happen to all these people that works so hard to help get Obama elected? Would they stay involved? Would they find new ways to help? Based on my sampling tonight, I’m pretty upbeat.

About eight other people were also calling lists around here, and if they are having the same sort of success I had, then I’m even more upbeat. If not, perhaps this blog post will help encourage them on.

Yes We Can, gave way to Yes We Did. Now, it needs to add the next part, “and we will continue to do so”. So, if you haven’t found how you can help next, please go to the Presidential Inaugural Committee Website and find an event near you, or set up one of your own.

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