
Entries related to things political.

Blogging the Republican National Convention

(Initially published at http://www.greaterdemocracy.org/archives/000161.html)

After my experience blogging the Democratic National Convention, I have been spending time thinking about what I want to do during the Republican National Convention. I have been offered credentials by the Republican Party, and I sort of doubt that I will. I have asked around to see if I can find some other way to get credentials through working with a more traditional medium, but nothing has materialized.

However, as I discovered last time, much of the story takes place outside the convention hall, and I suspect this will be even more of the case with the Republican convention. Today I received an email from the New Democratic Majority about a Progressive Tourism Bureau that will be set up at a performance space called The Tank.

The Progressive Tourism Bureau is “an exciting collaborative project during the Republican Convention in New York of [many organizations] … to give protestors a direct route into the massive grassroots effort underway to win this election and to build an enduring progressive coalition at the local and national levels.”

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Convention Coverage, another view

(Originally published in Greater Democracy)

In Convention Coverage is a Failed Regime and Bloggers Have Their Credentials, Jay Rosen writes: As far as I know, no one has a convincing notion of what a political convention is , anymore, or why 15,000 people are there to cover it.

He goes on to talk about the convention as either a news event or a media event. This feeds into the discussion going on about how journalistic the bloggers will or should be.


(Originally published in Local Pols)


Recently, in an online chat, I was asked the difference between PHP and PHP-Nuke. I explained that one was a programming language, and the other was a content management system. The person who had asked me the questioned nodded politely, and then asked again what the difference was. From there, I went into a discussion about different programming languages and different ways of setting up websites. Another person joined the chat and asked if I was speaking Klingon.

Based on this, and other discussions I’ve had recently, I have decided to write my comments about different types of websites.

The Howard Howl, Dean Scream, or barbaric yawp

(Note: Originally published on my MovableType Blog. Moved here for consolidation)

Yesterday, I had breakfast with Britt Blaser ( http://blaserco.com/blogs/) and Doc Searls (http://doc.weblogs.com/).

On the train in, I noticed the USA Today article, “Dean scream gaining cult-like status on Web” (http://www.usatoday.com/news/politicselections/nation/2004-01-22-dean-usat_x.htm)

I thought a little about this on the train, and started thinking about my comments about this. Years ago, Primal Scream therapy was a popular fad. We were encouraged to express our excitement, disappointment, joy, anger. Of course those of us from New England never really bought into it. We’re a little to restrained to go in for stuff like that.

But I think there is something important going on here. I started composing my thoughts in my mind:

Are you tired of politicians creating the largest tax hike on our children through the government running up massive deficits and calling it a ‘tax cut’?
Try a Howard Howl.

Are you grieved that over 500 loyal Americas have died in Iraq because of ‘misinformation’?
Try a Dean Scream

Do you want to issue a wakeup call to an American populous that has stopped caring enough to vote?
Try a ‘barbaric yawp’

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Joan Jett and the Young Republicans

(Originally published on my MovableType blog, and moved here for consolidation)

The story going around the blogs right now, http://blog.deanforamerica.com/archives/003214.html, http://travis-bushman.dailykos.com/story/2004/1/17/23537/3980, and http://www.needlenose.com/pMachineFree2.2.1/comments.php?id=P777_0_1_0 is about a Dean rally at Drake university yesterday, which got crashed by a group of about thirty young Bush supporters. One of them rips a Dean sign and poses for the cameras, another is said to have pushed Joan Jett who responded: You can push me, but don't touch my guitar. (this guitar kills fascists...)

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