Social Networks

Entries related to social networks, group psychology, anthropology, and really any of the social sciences.

#pcsw SEO Driving Traffic to your site with OpenID

The first session at PodCamp Western Mass that I attended was focused on SEO. I tend to avoid SEO discussions because too many of them are snake oil, but this discussion had some real good points.

As a parenthetical comment, I realize that there are a lot of things that I could do to boost the SEO of my site, but that isn’t a major focus for me.

Tish brought up the importance of making sure that when you add a comment to a blog you add the URL pointing back to your own blog. I saw that and raised it one. When you are making a comment on a system that supports OpenID, be sure to use your OpenID to point back to your blog.

People wanted to know how to do this, and it is a little complicated to explain during the discussion, so I thought I would post a brief blog post and explain how to do it.

First, you need to have an OpenID. Many of you already do. If you don’t, there are plenty of places where you can get free OpenIDs. To get a good starting place, I like to recommend You can create your own OpenID there and if you have multiple OpenIDs, you can link them together there. Another site I like to recommend for setting up your own OpenID account is

However, the odds are that you may already have OpenID. Livejournal, Wordpress, Vox, AOL, Yahoo and Technorati all provide OpenID. Some of these may be good ones to use. However, if you use one of these, you will set up your blog point to your OpenID.

To do this, you need to add OpenID delegation to the meta tags to the header of your blog. As an example, if you add

<link rel="openid.server" href=>
<link rel="openid.delegate" href=>

This will make it so that when you use your Blog as your OpenID, it will go over to LiveJournal and check to make sure that you can log in as exampleuser.

With that, I would encourage everyone to set up OpenID delegation from their blog. Then, when you add comments one another blog, log to userid using your blog as your id. In most cases, this will leave a link back to your blog and help drive more traffic to you.

#followfriday – CT News Edition

@hartfordcourant @wherewelive @connpost @rep_am @CTNewsJunkie @hrtfordadvocate @NwHavenAdvocate @FairfieldWeekly

In last week’s #followfriday, I highlighted some of my friends from Connecticut that are on Twitter. This week, @joeCascio and @keachymama are doing CT Editions of #followfriday, so I decided to stay with it.

My list this week is of Connecticut media outlets on Twitter. I hope the list is obvious to everyone. The Hartford Courant. WNPR’s show, “Where We Live”. The Connecticut Post. The Waterbury Republican American, the great online site covering the State Capital, CTNewsJunkie, and the weekly entertainment alternatives the Hartford Advocate, the New Haven Advocate and the Fairfield Weekly.

Each of these are worth a follow to get information about what is happening in our state.

Am I missing any? Who else do you follow?

#FollowFriday CT Edition

@sheilamc7 @jcnork @guiliag @khynes2000 @fehynes @ct94dem @lonseidman @tessa_da_twit @jrj08 @swilmarth

It has been a busy week. Friday is almost over and I’m just getting to my #FollowFriday post. This week, I figured I list a few people from Connecticut that I enjoy following. There are actually probably three or four different groups of people that I follow from Connecticut. These are people that I’ve met mostly through activism of one sort or another.

@sheilamc7 is the chair of our local board of education. It is great to see a board of ed chair on Twitter. @jcnork is a person that lives the next town over that I met through Twitter. We’ve had coffee together and some good online discussions. He turned me on to a good ice cream shop in a neighboring town.

I actually haven’t met @guiliag yet. I was introduced to her by @jcnork and she has had some great comments. I look forward to checking out a Mexican restaurant that she recommended recently.

@khynes2000 and @fehynes are my wife and youngest daughter. They are both fairly political. My middle daughter is off in college in Virginia, so I left her out of this list. She deserves a special blog post of her own.

I’ve written about @ct94dem before. That’s State Representative Gary Holder-Winfield. He’s doing great stuff with social media and state government and he is well worth the follow.

I think I first met @lonseidman back in 2004. We were both at the Democratic National Convention in Boston that year. He has always done great stuff with social media and is well worth the follow. I don’t remember when I first met @swilmarth, but we’ve often crossed paths and I really like what he does with social media and especially education and politics. @tessa_da_twit and @jrj08 don’t tweet as often. They keep there messages protected. However, if you are friends of them, you should follow them.

So, that’s it for this week’s #FollowFriday. Hopefully I’ll have another good batch next week.

#DigiDay Recap, Part 1

Last Thursday, executives interested in marketing and advertising in mobile and social media gathered at the W Hotel in New York City for a conference called DigiDay. The first half of the day focused on Mobile marketing and advertising and the second on marketing and advertising in Social Media.

The day started with a conference sponsored by ChaCha. ChaCha is a service where you can text any question and receive a response from one of 55,000 ChaCha guides. These guides, many of whom are work at home moms or college students, have an active community for finding ways to quickly answer any question that might come in. The answers are supposed to reflect information on the web, as opposed to their own personal opinions.

When you text a message to ChaCha, you receive a text message back which includes an advertisement. These advertisements can be targeted by location or topic. Currently, location targeting is done at the area code level. It has been used by over four million people and their surveys get over a twenty percent response rate. Currently, they are receiving over ten million questions a month.

It seems like a great service so I thought I would give it a try. While no registration is necessary, on their website, you can register your email address and phone number. I registered my email address and verified it successfully. However, I never received my verification code on my cellphone.

I thought this would provide an interesting question, and I sent a text message to ChaCha asking why I hadn’t gotten my verification code. The response was unhelpful, simply saying that I didn’t need to use the verification code to ask questions. I replied, acknowledging that it wasn’t required but that I wanted to anyway, and asking how to get it. The second response was as useless as the first.

On Saturday afternoon, while I explored the Hebron Maple Festival, I noticed a car with the State Representative license plates for Assembly District 55. I sent a text message to find out who the State Rep for the district was, and was informed that it is Rep. Pam Sawyer. The message included her phone number and an advertisement for H&R Block. So, currently ChaCha is batting .333 for useful answers. I’ll probably keep using it from time to time.

However, I was also disappointed to receive a text message at the same time informing me that I had used 3 of 5 questions during a 48 hour period and that I could only ask 2 more questions over the next 18 hours. Considering that one of the questions was an attempt to get an answer for the previous question that they failed to answer adequately, and even that answer was not adequate, I was disappointed. Have you used ChaCha? How well has it worked for you? If you haven’t, you can text to their short code, 242242.

After the breakfast, the first panel was “The Mobile Marketer Roundtable: The Elephant in the Room: The Economy:“ Personally, I’m a bit tired of all the gloom and doom discussions about the economy. Yes, the economy sucks. However, there are still lots of people doing lots of interesting things. Tell me something I don’t know.

Fortunately, June Bower, VP of Marketing for Cisco-WebEx did tell me something interesting I didn’t know. There is a WebX app for the iPhone. Over 70,000 copies have been downloaded already and WebX will be coming to other smartphones soon. Another interesting idea from this panel was the cellphone as sales assistant. Someone is going to come up with an easy way for a user of a mobile device to find something he is looking for in a store. That will be a cool app.

There were discussions about ‘click to consume’ and the closest people have come up with so far have been buying ringtones, wallpapers and games. None of these are all that compelling, but they have been lucrative.

The biggest hurdle that members of the panel saw to mobile devices playing a bigger role was getting marketers to understand the role of mobile as part of their 360 marketing.

A final thought from this panel was that to television people, a mobile device looks like a small TV. To computer people, it looks like a small computer. More and more, simple telephony is playing a smaller and smaller part of mobile market.

This was brought home in the next panel, The State of Mobile Media by the Numbers, when Julia Resnick, VP Mobile Media Products for The Nielsen Company spoke about their research. The iPhone is drastically changing the data usage of mobile users and Android and Blackberry Storm are also making data a much larger part of the mobile platform. The other interesting tidbit that she revealed was that the average age for children getting their first cellphone is now 9.7 years. They also revealed that the average teenage sends 2300 text messages a month. That works out to around 75 text messages every day. I guess I’m not that heavy a texter after all.

The following panel, Keynote Panel: The Mobile Platform Implosion, spent time looking at appropriate metrics for mobile usage. Nothing particularly memorable came out of that panel except for the observation that cookies on mobile devices are a problematic stop gap measure. More interesting was a rant about metrics about how each decade has had it’s own ad science, but then about 2005, all that ad science went out the window simply for measurement without a lot of consideration of what was being measured and why.

It was an interesting observation. If you know what you are measuring and why you are measuring it, then you can determine if you are reaching your goals. Yet many people do not seem to have a clear idea of what they are measuring or why they are measuring it.

After this panel, a spokesperson for a company called Mojiva got up and made a sales pitch. It wasn’t all that compelling. What was compelling was the discussion afterwards. During the Q&A, he was asked about Twitter. He dismissed Twitter as diarrhea of people spending too much time online and having no mobile implications. The large community of participants at the channel who were having a great discussion about the conference on Twitter were merciless. They spoke about it as an epic fail, a credibility failure, a debacle, a shame, and some suggested that it is sometimes it is just better to get off the stage.

Experimenting with the Google FriendConnect API

This evening, I started experimenting with the Google FriendConnect API. In particular, I wanted to see if I could get anywhere with the OpenSocial REST and RPC Protocol.

What I’m really interested in doing is writing a standalone PHP script that will go out to FriendConnect and gather information for me. Reading through the documents, it looks like I want to use the ‘standard two-legged OAuth’.

The example they gave said that I should be able to access

h ttp://<your
consumer key>&oauth_signature_method=HMAC-SHA1&oauth_timestamp=<the time
right now in millis>&oauth_nonce=<some nonce>&oauth_signature=<signed using your secret>

By going to the FriendConnect page and selecting the ‘For Developers’ section and then going to the ‘REST API’ tab, I managed to find my Consumer Key and Consumer Secret. I attempted to retrieve various bits of information, mucking around with the ‘’ base. With just about every variation, I received a 404 error and no useful information.

Figuring that I was probably doing something wrong with the OAuth settings, I downloaded the opensocial-php-client. The sample in Version 0.2 worked quite nicely when I attempted to use the key and secret that came in the sample, and went to "server_rest_base" => “”. However, when I tried changing the server_rest_base to I received the same 404 errors. My guess is that there is something wrong with the documentation and I need to find a different server_rest_base. So far, I haven’t had any luck.

So, I thought I would try a different tack. I looked at the and found a sample for Drupal. I downloaded the plugin and installed it on one of my test servers. It installed properly and the installation portion seemed to work okay. However, when I configured it, it asked for a ‘Unique site identifier provided by Google Friend Connect during initial registration.’ I don’t think I have any such unique identifier, or at least if I do, I’m not sure what it is.

Looking at the various URLs for reports and settings for my site, I do find a twenty digit number that might be the unique site identifier, but I’m not sure if that is it. When I try to use the FriendConnect module for adding a comment, I get a box that says ‘loading…’ which seems to just hang there. So, it doesn’t seem to be working properly yet. In addition, since I’m mostly using Disqus for my comments, right now, I don’t see any great advantage for throwing on this Drupal plugin for FriendConnect.

Have you had any luck with the FriendConnect API? Let me know your experiences.

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