Wordless Wednesday

Wordless Wednesday

Flag at Old Tavern Ball Park, originally uploaded by Aldon.

Wordless Wednesday

Save A Life, originally uploaded by Aldon.

Wordless Wednesday Eyewriter at #iwny

Eyewriter at #iwny, originally uploaded by Aldon.

Wordless Wednesday is a popular Internet Meme where bloggers post a picture, normally without comment. However, I’m adding a brief comment on this picture. I enjoy using Wordless Wednesday posts to bring various ideas from my blog to different communities that might now regularly read my blog.

I am attending Internet Week in New York. Hopefully, my regular readers will have picked that up already, as well as figured out that #IWNY is the hashtag for Internet Week.

The picture was taken of me wearing The Eyewriter, a project of the Not Impossible Foundation. Please check out their work. Friends on Facebook have already seen this photo and I wanted to bring it to a larger audience.

Wordless Wednesday

Homemade Cheese, originally uploaded by Aldon.

Wordless Wednesday

Pet Fair, originally uploaded by Aldon.

Every Wednesday, I try to participate in 'Wordless Wednesday'. People around the Internet post pictures that they like, typically without any words to describe the picture.

Today, I am not completely wordless. Yesterday, I wrote about animal control issues in New Britain, CT. This picture from the Durham Pet Fair provides a stark contrast. The City of East Haven, which currently is dealing with various issues with its police department, impounds 30% more dogs than New Britain each year, and kills 70% less.

How do they do this? In part by working very closely with animal rescue groups and even by attending events like to Durham Pet Fair to try and get pets adopted.

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