Archive - Sep 14, 2004


Re: Stuff: A Portrait

Today, Evelyn Rodriguez commented on my latest job search blog entry.

I'm not sure how she found my site, but she did provide a link back to her site. When I looked, the most recent entry was Stuff: A Portrait. Do yourself a favor and go out and read that entry.

She ends it off with, "Only put off until tomorrow what you are willing to die having left undone." - Pablo Picasso

Re: Calling All Convention Bloggers

Brian Reich of the Campaign Web Review, has asked the following set of questions. Instead of just sending them off as an email, I thought I would answer the questions on my blog.

Running out the clock

(Originally published in Greater Democracy)

There is an old joke that goes something like this. One person asks, “What is the secret to being a successful comedienne?” Before the first person completes the question, the second interrupts yelling, “Timing!” It seems as if timing is becoming a cruel joke that is being used more and more often to deny people their rights.

I’m not a big sports fan, but I’ve watched enough football and basketball to hear commentators talking about controlling the clock. The clock has been carefully used to suppress the rights of U.S. citizens.

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Links to other sites:

Looking at some of the ads that Google Adsense has put on this site has revealed a few interesting blogs that I thought I would comment on.

We have friends and relatives that live in Florida and we’re also very interested in meteorology. Years ago, I subscripted to a mailing list of storm chasers, and I greatly enjoyed reading their writing. Today, one of the ads from my site pointed to This is an interesting blog with some even more interesting links. For example, there is a great discussion of hurricane prediction models here

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Site Review

Site Review

The Orient Lodge site is now a little over a month old and I thought this would be a good opportunity reflect on how it is going. The site is based on Drupal 4.4 without any special tweaks. I have played with the configuration trying to come up with the best layout. Is it better to have ‘blocks’ on the left, on the right, on both sides? I started off with them on the right, but I read some articles about how people read newspapers and websites that suggested it might be better to have the content on the right. I’ve now read some contradictory data, so I’m reconsidering this decision.

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