Archive - 2005
April 22nd
Outcome Management
Submitted by Aldon Hynes on Fri, 04/22/2005 - 16:06One of the final sessions at The> Organizers’ Collaborative’s Grassroots Use of Technology Conference was Outcomes Mgmt. & Case Mgmt. for Human Service Organizations: Build, Buy, or Lease?. It started off with some interesting comments about output management and outcome management and went on to clearly lay out a framework for understanding the total cost of ownership (TCO) of different systems.
As an old IT guy, the idea of TCO was nothing new to me. However, the aspects about output and outcome management were particularly interesting to me. How do we know if the projects we are working on, or the technology we are using are getting us the most desirable outcome? We can measure output, the number of people cared for, the number of people who have signed up for a mailing list, or for a website, the number of visits that the website has had, but how do we get better at measuring meaningful change that has come about as a result of our efforts?
April 20th
Blogmaster for DeStefano
Submitted by Aldon Hynes on Wed, 04/20/2005 - 10:35A year ago, my eldest daughter worked as a volunteer on Dan Malloy's gubernatorial campaign. It was part of a school project where she was supposed to get real world experience. Mayor Malloy is a good person whom I think would make a great governor.
During my wife's campaign, we often ran into Secretary of State Susan Bysiewicz. Some people have warned us against her brashness while others have suggested it is exactly this what is needed to win back the Governor office. Kim and I have gotten along well with Ms. Bysiewicz and I believe she would be a great governor as well.
Meanwhile, everyone is waiting to see is Chris Dodd or Richard Blumenthal will throw their hats in the ring. Kim and I have also run into them on the campaign trail and have a lot of respect for them.
However, many of the people whom I respect politically are very excited about Mayor John DeStefano's campaign. Several have suggested that I talk with the Major, and so the other day, I drove up to New Haven to talk with him. On the way up, I was passed by a car with license plate 6; Dick Blumenthal on his way up to Hartford.
April 18th
South Station WiFi Bubble
Submitted by Aldon Hynes on Mon, 04/18/2005 - 09:11"I'm sitting in the railway station, ticket for my destination..."
I fire up the laptop and check the WiFi connectivity. There are about half a dozen WiFi Access Points listed. Most of them are encrypted, however, there are two with strong signals that are open. The first is entitled something like publicwifi. It looks promising. I connect, to find that it isn't really all that public. It is public if you want to spend seven dollars an hour to access Wifi. I wonder how well they are doing with that. It doesn't seem to be part of any of the larger WiF vendor networks. To me, it isn't worth seven dollars. Would it have been worth two or three dollars? Maybe.
April 16th
Blogging Workshop Originally uploaded by Aldon. Picture from the blogging workshop at Organizer's collaborative, illustr
Submitted by Aldon Hynes on Sat, 04/16/2005 - 22:00Picture from the blogging workshop at Organizer's collaborative, illustrating posting to blogs via Flickr
Organizer's Collaborative Grassroots Use of Technology
Submitted by Aldon Hynes on Sat, 04/16/2005 - 07:34If you attended the blogging workshop at the Organizers' Collaborative Grassroots Use of Technology conference, please add a comment below, including a link to your blog if you have, or are starting one, so we can all stay in touch with one another.