Archive - 2008
1983 Journal: Jan 4-7
Submitted by Aldon Hynes on Fri, 02/01/2008 - 21:10Over the coming days, I’ll continue to post entries from my 1983 journal.
January 4, 1983: Kerouac. Smooth sounds flowing simply, incessantly through thought thriving on despair. Speech pathology, philology, alliteration prepare poets for pondering profundities. A student reveals to George Bryce the style of his writing. Computers and contemplation can confuse creativity. Looking over my last four days writings I can see how my mood, interactions with other people and art affect my writing. Today is another day not good for writing. Tomorrow.
January 5, 1983: Applied to Lucasfilm. Mary spoke at prayer group. Rich expressed concerns of the disappearance of Grace from our Theology. Nostalgia supper. Is art justifiable? How about the religious life? Singledom. Loneliness. Kerouac takes things as they come. Good night.
January 6, 1983: Epiphany. John found out yesterday that I’m leaving. Spent the day arranging that. Steve stopped over bringing his receiver. Listening to music. Music of freedom. Clove cigarettes and Crosby, Stills, Nash and Young. Peace. I’m ready for the road. Politics re-awakening. I need to learn how to write of that peace that passes understanding. Peace which knows no matter what, freezing roads, and failing marches, everything works out. “Everything that dies someday comes back” / “We can’t go back, we can only look behind” Chatting with Fritz on his problems.
January 7, 1983: Listening to the stereo. A day of plotting career strategies. Thoughts about monks. I am overwhelmed with quietness this evening, a quietness that expands to the farthest corners of the rooms, or to the farthest corners of my perceived room. It is not a quiet of peace. It is a quiet of longing for what is to be and a longing to express this foreboding of these journeys and express experience of previous trips. “Pleasures of the harbor” memories of old trips hopes of new.
A new month, and a calendar update
Submitted by Aldon Hynes on Fri, 02/01/2008 - 15:41Rabbit, Rabbit, Rabbit. Another month starts off, another opportunity to hope for better days to come. It is the time of year when everyone is trying to figure out which conferences and events they will be going to. Freedom to Connect, Take Back America, Personal Democracy Forum, Netroots Nation, the Democratic National Convention. For me, there are other events not on most people’s radar, like the AGPA annual conference or the NCSL Spring Conference and Falcon Ridge.
So, I’ve now updated my list of upcoming events to provide time, place and notes about each event and whether or not I’m likely to attend any of them.
January 31st
1983 Journal: Jan 1-3
Submitted by Aldon Hynes on Thu, 01/31/2008 - 21:59Twenty-five years ago, I was twenty-three years old and working as a consultant at Bell Laboratories. I had been living the bohemian lifestyle sharing cheap apartments with actors and artists and so during those years I saved up a bit of money. I was struggling with who I was and what I should do with my life. I decided that it would be a good thing for me to go out and see the world, so when my contract at the Labs came up for renewal, I decided to go out and travel around the country and around Europe. I kept a fairly good journal during much of that time, and it seems like this would be a good time to take some of those journal entries and add them into my blog.
A New Shop in Second Life
Submitted by Aldon Hynes on Thu, 01/31/2008 - 12:41Well, today the land where my old shop in Second Life was, got sold. As such, the lease got terminated. The landlord refunded the money still on the lease. So, I’ve spent a little time looking for a new place. I settled on a fairly similar shop on a different parcel run by the same landlord. Here is the new location of Aldon’s shop in Second Life.
Unfortunately, in the move, I’ve misplaced a bunch of my key objects, so I need to go out and recreate things. It is probably long overdue, but on the other hand, I don’t have a lot of time for building new scripts and things. At some point, I’ll write more details about looking for a new shop, building new scripts, etc.
January 30th
The Jim Amann for Connecticut Governor 2010 Website
Submitted by Aldon Hynes on Wed, 01/30/2008 - 22:27Wednesday Evening, Jim Amann is expected to announce the formation of an exploratory committee for an exploratory committee for a 2010 run for governor. To say that he has an uphill battle may be an understatement. Already there is a Jim Amann for Connecticut Governor 2010 site up. It is worth checking out.