Archive - Nov 19, 2010
Unfollow Friday @TwitCleaner
Submitted by Aldon Hynes on Fri, 11/19/2010 - 18:56Typically, people post Follow Friday messages of people that they are following and suggesting that other people follow them back. Today, I’m turning it on its head and posting Unfollow Friday. What’s this about?
Well, currently, I’m following around 2900 people on Twitter. That’s a lot of people. With that, I may not read as many tweets as closely as I should. If I pare down my list a little, I may get more useful information.
Looking a little more closely, when I started working on this blog post, I was following 2911 people. According to, 958 of them are not following me. That leaves 1953 mutual follows. At the same time, there are 3184 people following me. Taking out the mutual followers, that leaves 1231 that I’m not following.
Many of the people that I follow that are not following me back make sense. Using The Twit Cleaner can help give a better understanding. Curiously enough, it reported 958 people that I follow are ‘potentially garbage’. These are not the same 958 people that I follow who are not following me, but there is some overlap.
Two followers were listed as very often having multiple at signs in their messages. 255 followers post nothing but links. 53 repeat the same URLs. 13 repeat the same message. 125 have other ‘dodgy behavior’ and haven’t posted recently. 222 haven’t posted anything in over a month. 48 Don’t interact much with others. 43 Don’t interact at all with others. 128 hardly follow anyone. 17 talk all the time. 52 post mostly retweets and 1 post mostly just quotes.
I don’t find people who post nothing but links all that annoying. I post a lot of links. Many of my posts come from Foursquare and Twitterfeed which both include links. Repeating same URL and the same message is also somewhat understandable. People who haven’t posted in a long time don’t take up space in my twitter stream and I don’t worry about it.
The biggest overlap between people that I follow who do not follow me back and one of the Twitclean categories is followers that hardly follow anyone. None of them follow me. Most are news sources, corporate publicity sites and celebrities.
So, I’ve slowly been cleaning out unfollowers and others who are less interesting. Hopefully, this will mean I catch more interesting tweets going forward.
Story.lab Homework
Submitted by Aldon Hynes on Fri, 11/19/2010 - 11:09I am frustrated. My computers are running slowly this morning at I have lots to do. While they are crucial to my work, the computers that I have are pretty old. I’ve managed to keep them running well past their expected lifespan.
One of the things on my todo list, actually for yesterday, but it got bumped to this morning, and I really need to get it done, is this blog post about story.lab. For the past couple of weeks, I’ve been heading down to The Grove to join in a discussion about living the mission of our lives as stories. What are those stories? What is the object of desire in the story? What is the controlling idea? What is the over arching value of my controlling idea? The cause for my overarching idea? How must my character transform if I am able to live my story?
In other discussions, there have been questions about what prevents us from living our stories? What are the antagonists? For home work, we are supposed to think through some of these questions and be prepared to share them. So, here is my first take.
The controlling idea is about engagement. With that, I guess the object of desire is for people to become more engaged in their communities. This is an open ended object of desire. Ideally, it is obtained every day and at the same time becomes the new object of desire. No matter how involved people come, there is always that desire to become more involved.
As people become more involved in their communities, their lives and the lives of their communities become transformed. With that, I need to constantly be finding new ways of helping people become more involved in their communities as I need to constantly better understand and become more involved in the communities I’m part of.
Yet this comes to the antagonists. It is easy to become burnt out. When there is a setback, it is easy to become disillusioned. Through all of this, there is a struggle to make a living, to help get bread on the table. Unfortunately, promoting community involvement often doesn’t pay all that well. It means juggling resources and keeping old computers running and the frustration that comes with it. It means juggling time commitments.
With that, this blog post is written quickly and not edited. I need to juggle some of my time commitments. So, what is the story line for the mission of your life?