Archive - 2011

March 4th


@harpethrising @dme1661 @newhavenreentry @emacartney @yougottacall @jordanfenster @sparkenergyCT @EricTTung #agpa @dr_bob @drcdrury #beerup @joecascio @cherylbudge

Okay, its a kind of scrambled Follow Friday. Starting off the list is Harpeth Rising, a really great band that I’ve been following for a while. They recently followed me, so it is a good time to mention them again.

Next is @dme1661. I know David from other circles, and while he is new to Twitter and hasn’t tweeted anything yet, I expect his tweets will be interesting.

@newhavenreentry also also just followed me. This is a city initiative ‘to help formerly incarcerated residents reintegrate into New Haven’. Worth the follow.

@emacartney recently came on to my radar she works for the Palo Alto Medical Foundation and has been writing a lot of interesting health care tweets.

I was surprised to get a message that @yougottacall recently followed me. I’ve been friends with Tim from @yougottacall for quite a while, and I thought had been following each other for quite a while. Anyway, it is time for another shout out to Tim.

@jordanfenster writes for the New Haven Register. We’ve recently had some good discussions about social media and kids. It will be interesting to see what else he has to say.

@sparkenergyCT recently followed me. If something that sounds a bit like a company follows me, like @sparkenergyCT or @YouGottaCall, I’m unlikely to follow them unless I have some sort of relationship with the company or people in it. At first, I did not recognize @sparkenergyCT, but then I got a message from @EricTTung that he works there and hoped that I would #FF the company, so, here you are Eric.

Next up are @dr_bob and @drcdrury. I am supposed to lead a panel early tomorrow morning with @dr_bob at the #agpa conference. @drcdrury was supposed to be on the panel as well, but unfortunately can’t make it. See AGPA 223 for more details.

I had hoped to make it to the whole conference, but that fell through so I’m just going Saturday morning. This means that I will be in Middletown this afternoon, so I hope to stop by for #beerup with @joecascio @cherylbudge and other CT Twitter friends.

That’s it for today’s #FF.

March 3rd

Another blank page

So, it is seven in the evening. It has been another long day, and I am facing another blank page. What should I write about? Perhaps I should touch on some of the warm weather we had last weekend as the snow melted creating little streams down the driveway. I chipped away at the large snowbank that is blocking off part of the driveway and can now park closer to the house.

There was a little bit of the element of being a young boy again, playing in the streams of melting snow running down our road towards the bus stop.

It has been a busy week since then. I’ve wanted to follow up on Bob Massie’s Senate campaign. I want to talk with my friends about planning Social Web Week Connecticut 2011. I’ve done a bit of writing at work on some interesting projects, and not had time to get to other projects. This coming weekend, I’ll head down to New York City where I’ll be speaking about social media and group psychotherapy. I’m looking forward to that and disappointed I didn’t have the time and energy to make it to a dinner there this evening.

That said, it looks like I’m out of energy for writing as well.

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March 2nd

Wordless Wednesday

Diabetes Retinophathy Camera, originally uploaded by Aldon.

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March 1st

Rabbit, Rabbit, Rabbit

Lion, Lamb, Red sky at night. All of these phrases come to mind as the month of March starts. February ended off with warm rain wearing away some of the snow drifts, car problems, Fiona falling and hurting herself, and lots of work.

From a weather perspective, March appears to be coming in like a lamb. It was a mild day today. Pleasant. On the drive home, there was a beautiful sunset. Widespread clouds of various hues of light purple, highlighted with various shades of red. Red sky at night...

Yet from a work perspective, March has come in with a lion, with so many balls in the air that I’m already exhausted, and I have a lot ahead of me this month.

I look at my daily list of activities that need to get completed, and it seems easy to get overwhelmed. But, I just check off one thing after another, getting what I can done, and when the day is over, heading home, exhausted. It will be a relatively early night tonight. I’ve gotten a lot done, and I don’t really have the energy to get a lot more done.

Rabbit, Rabbit, Rabbit. I hope this is a good month for everyone.

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February 28th

Bob Massie for U.S. Senate

Over the past decade, I’ve worked on a bunch of political campaigns with some very interesting politicians that I respect a lot. My wife has ended up working for Common Cause and I’ve moved over to work for a Federally Qualified Health Center.

I’ve become a little disillusioned with politics. Too much of politics is ethically challenged attempts to swing a small group of activists one way or another, and not to engage the broader public in a serious discussion about how to make our country better. Working with a health center seems like a more effective way to bring about political change.

Then, this evening, I read an email from an old friend. Thirty years ago, Kirk and I attended Grace Church in Manhattan. It was an Episcopal church that some how managed to draw in a large crowd of twenty somethings and get them excited about Christianity. It wasn’t the sort of Christianity that was based on going out and hitting people on the head with bibles, and it wasn’t the sort of Christianity that skipped over the mystical for the sake of social action. It was a formative time in my life, and I still hold friendship, like my friendship with Kirk as the closest most important friendships beyond my immediate family.

There was a young assistant minister there named Bob Massie. He stood up well amidst some of the other great ministers there. Eventually, many of us left New York.

Bob left to get a Doctorate from Harvard Business School and was one of Harvard University's Fellows in Ethics and the Professions. He was born with hemophilia and contracted HIV and Hepatitis C through his hemophilia treatment. The hepatitis C virus damaged his liver, and eventually, he received a liver transplant, which cured his hemophilia and suppressed his viruses.

He is one of my nearly 2000 friends on Facebook, so I’ve often missed his rare updates there. So, I was a bit surprised when I got a message from Kirk today asking, if I had thought about helping out Bob Massie in his campaign for U.S. Senate.

Um, no. I hadn’t thought about helping out Bob Massie in his campaign for U.S. Senate. Because I didn’t know he was running. I quickly checked to get more information. Yes, Bob is running for U.S. Senate in Massachusetts. I cannot think of a better candidate for Massachusetts. For that matter, although I know many great politicians, I’d be hard pressed to think of anyone in the United States that I would support for U.S. Senate more than I would support Bob Massie.

I’ve kind of drifted from the political sphere, so I’m not sure what sort of help I can really do, but I will do anything I can to help Bob Massie get elected.

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