Social Networks

Entries related to social networks, group psychology, anthropology, and really any of the social sciences.

#ff #EmpireAve @chrisvoss @BobWarren @kimgarst @lizstrauss @MySOdotCom @GayeCrispin @Annehthomas @davidsanger

After a long, busy, tiring week, I figured I'd do a really quick and simple Follow Friday post. This week, I'm listing eight players on Empire Avenue that I hold over 35,000 Eaves worth of shares in.

They are priced from around 177 Eaves per share to 334 Eaves per share. Currently, the most shares I can hold in any player is 200, and five of the eight I hold 200 shares in. Most of them can and do own 600 shares of my stock on Empire Avenue.

These players are the blue chip stocks of Empire Avenue, and if your new to Empire Avenue, I'd encourage you to at least pick up a couple shares of each of them.

One player that I want to particularly highlight, however is @davidsanger. A little over a week ago, his share price started diving. Today, he posted
"thanks to shareholders sticking with me during family medical emergency, will be back on track soon and spending all these eaves piling up".

If you play the game because you value making meaningful connections with others on social media, it would be a good time to step in and buy some of David's share as a means of showing support to him.

If, on the other hand, you are simply in the game to maximize the value of your portfolio, this would probably be a good time to invest in him, since the drop in share price is most likely just temporary. I expect his share price will climb soon, partly because of increased activity and partly people buying him as he invests some of the eaves that have piled up. If your a new investor, there is a good chance he'll buy a bunch of your shares if you buy his.

Whatever your reason for playing, David is probably a great buy right now, and the rest of the blue chips are also well worth following

Wordless Wednesday

Woodbridge Town Meeting, originally uploaded by Aldon.

#ff #hcsmct

@chiefmaven @brandonframe @src_changeagent @elizabethradl @heangtan @healthjusticect @cthealth @chnctfoundation @chchealthcorps @cshhc @CHCConnecticut

This week, I attended two different events related to health care social media in Connecticut (#hcsmct). The first was a tweet up breakfast for various people working on health issues in Connecticut using social media. It was a great breakfast and we are planning on meeting monthly, as well as having weekly Tweet Chats. The first Monday of every month, we'll meet for breakfast and the other Mondays we'll have a Tweet Chat in the afternoon. The first chat will be next Monday at 3 PM with the #hcsmct hash tag.

The second event was a forum sponsored by Health Justice CT on Social media for social change. Joining me on the panel was @chiefmaven @brandonframe. They are both interesting people, well worth the follow.

A few of the people at the breakfast were @src_changeagent @elizabethradl @heangtan. These are their individual ids on twitter. I had already met @elizabethradl and @heangtan. Again, highly recommended. It was the first time i met @src_changeagent and I look forward to working with her on various health issues going forward.

These people and about a half dozen others were at the breakfast representing the following groups: @healthjusticect @cthealth @chnctfoundation @chchealthcorps @cshhc @CHCConnecticut . All of them are groups that I feel it is very important to retweet their messages, and I hope more people will follow them and retweet them.

That's it for this week.

#ff @khynes2000 @fehynes @hynesyte @MeredithGould @RevWeb @npvote @yougottacall @shesosocial @dandunlop @SRC_ChangeAgent

This week's Follow Friday list starts off special with @khynes2000. Today is our 11th wedding anniversary. Since I'm doing family, I'll add in @fehynes, our daughter, even though she hasn't tweeted much recently. I'll also shout out to my brother @hynesyte.

Next on the list is @MeredithGould. She is a wonderful person that I met through the health care social media network. She and @RevWeb are getting married this weekend. Best wishes.

Then, there are the people who #ffed or RTed me this week. @npvote is really important in helping America's 501©3 nonprofits effectively conduct nonpartisan voter engagement. A reminder to those of you who have elections next Tuesday, please get out and #occupy your polling booth long enough to cast your vote.

@yougottacall and @SheSoSocial are two social media friends here in Connecticut that yougottafollow.

Back at health care, there's @dandunlop whom I've talked with about health care social media issues online and @SRC_ChangeAgent who is dealing with social media and health care issues here in Connecticut and whom I hope to meet at a breakfast on Monday.

That's my list for today.

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Wordless Wednesday

IMAG0411, originally uploaded by Aldon.

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