
Personal reflections, comments about things I've been doing, etc.

Bloomers and Lingerie

Every day, I try to visit a wide variety of blogs to get a sense of what people beyond my own geographic, political, socio-economic cohort are thinking. Sometimes, it is fairly clear what people are thinking, other times, you just have to ask yourself, “What were they thinking?!”

Yesterday, I stumbled across two very different viewpoints that I thought I would juxtapose. The first is an article, Selling Sex To Little girls, Miley’s 9-year-old sister launching a lingerie line for kids. “What were they thinking?” seems to be a common response. Some have asked how this is different that little girls in tutus and leotards in their ballet classes, or three year olds in the Dora the Explorer undies. Others have said that it looks more like Jon Benet Ramsey. What were they thinking? Perhaps all that they were thinking was, “Cha-ching”

It made me think of one of the blogs I often visit. Penny Raine describes herself as a “born again, spirit filled, blood bought, Christian” and asks on her Facebook page, “Is what you are living for worth Christ dying for? While we were still sinners Jesus died for us.” This is also reflected in her status, “know that if you are a Godly parent desiring to raise Godly children that you have an enemy, he seeks to steal and destroy your children, he is a big bad, wants to eat your lunch enemy, and he will stop at nothing, but ... not to fear cause we serve a Jesus who has overcome the world and we will overcome here too!”

On her webpage, she describes herself this way:

Let me see, to introduce myself. Well obviously my name is Penny Raine, I am momma to 8 youngins, 1 with Jesus, the rest still here all in one house, that is until last year when the oldest got married. Now she has a husband and they have a home of their own and a baby on the way. I am wife to minister hubby known locally as “jumpin Jim” we have been married since ‘86, goodness how many years IS THAT? We all live on a horse farm in Mid TN where our favorite thing to do is worship the Lord.

With that, she shows a picture of her family leaning against an old blue pickup truck, with three of them wielding guitars. I suspect that Jumpin Jim puts on a real different show than Miley Cyrus does and I suspect that I probably have some strong disagreements with Penny and Jim on politics and theology. But I also suspect that Penny and Jim are much closer to being my kind of people than the Cyrus family.

One of the things that Penny promotes on her blog is Jumpin Bloomers which sells “modest clothing for girls of all ages”. The outfits are cute and remind me of the clothing some young Mennonite girls would wear to Sunday School when I visited their churches in Ohio back in my college days. It also made me think of the sort of clothing I always imagined Laura Ingalls Wilder would wear as she moved from big woods to the prairie.

One of the things that many of the bloggers do is have various contests to build traffic. Penny is having an Apron Giveaway contest to promote her blog and jumpinbloomers. I had read about the contest and initially decided not to enter. I usually don’t go for these sorts of contests. I’m not likely to write a review of a blog for a one in a hundred chance of winning an apron or some other little trinket or treasure.

However, the contrast between Jumpin Bloomers and Noah Cyrus’ lingerie was just too great to leave this without a comment. So, shake your head at the Cyrus family’s latest venture, but don’t stop there. Join with others to promote young girls clothing that glorifies childhood instead of glorifies sexuality.

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The Crowd Sourcing Winter Vacation Contest

Fiona’s week long school vacation starts a week from tomorrow. It will include Valentine’s day, President’s day, Mardi Gras, Ash Wednesday, and probably some other important days I am not aware of. In other years, we haven’t really done anything special during winter vacation. It has conflicted with my work or my wife’s work. However, this year, we really need a few days away.

We’ve talked about various things to do. We could go into New York City, or maybe up to Boston for a day of exploring museums. We could go Cape Cod for a few days and walk on quiet beaches. I started looking for ideas online.

One site I checked was They listed Dance Flurry, the great folk dancing festival up in Saratoga Springs, NY. Last summer at Falcon Ridge, we spent a bit of time with folks from Bungieville, a group of dancers from Long Island that always camp together at Falcon Ridge, and dance together at Saratoga Springs. Unfortunately, it conflicts with a few things, so we won’t be at Dance Flurry. also listed the Chainsaw Rendezvoux. This is a weeklong gathering of chainsaw artists in western Pennsylvania. It seems like a fairly long trip to see some chainsaw artists in action, but it does sound very interesting.

The State of Maine’s Festival Page for February listed a nice collection of winter festivals, and we might head up there. However, many of them are focused on snowmobile races or ice car races. Races don’t rank high on our list of interesting things, but there is also going to be ice sculptures and fireworks.

I’ve wondered if sites like Dopplr, Where Are You Now?, CouchSurfing, Yelp, 43 Places, Upcoming, Foursquare, BrightKite, or some other set of sites might be helpful in finding a special vacation.

Then, it occurred to me, why don’t I put this request out on my blog, and spread it to various social media sites? So, I open it up to friends, followers, readers, and anyone else that stumbles across this website. Share your best idea for inexpensive, interesting things to do in the North Eastern United States for a husband, wife, and eight year old girl. If I get some good ideas, I’ll recap them in a later blog post, and perhaps do some blogging and other social media activities from the event. If it comes from a blog in one of my blog networks, I’ll through a little link love in there too.

So, what do you say? What fun events are happening in mid February?

Rabbit, Rabbit, Rabbit, Groundhog… Music Monday

It is clear and cold out, but warmer this morning than it has been in the past few days. I look out my office window and wonder if the monthly lapin invocation will bring better luck this month, if it will snap the metaphorical cold spell. Tomorrow is Groundhogs’ day. Will the groundhog see his shadow? Will the rabbits see theirs? Will they all simply huddle in their tunnels waiting for warmer days? We shall see.

“But February made me shiver
With every paper I'd deliver
Bad news on the doorstep, I couldn't take one more step”

I was a paperboy forty years ago. Now, I write blog posts. When someone important dies today, I hear about it on Twitter, instead of finding it on the front page of a newspaper delivered by an aspiring young musician. “Something's lost but something's gained in living every day.”

So, Buddy Holly’s death made Don McLean shiver. Joni Mitchell managed to find something gained in living every day. And then, there’s Buffy:

Every single night
The same arrangement
I go out and fight the fight
Still I always feel
This strange estrangement
Nothing here is real
Nothing here is right
I’ve been making shows of trading blows
Just hoping no one knows
That I’ve been
Going through the motions
Walking through the part
Nothing seems to penetrate my heart

So, what will your February be like? Will bad news on the door step make you shiver? Will you simply be going through the motions? Or will something be gained in living every day?

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Wordless Wednesday

Pie day, originally uploaded by Aldon.

Confronting the Blank Page

I’ve been putting up at least one blog post a day for a pretty long time now. Sometimes, it is really easy. I write about many different things here, politics, technology, local stuff, media, law, personal stuff, and so on, so I usually have at least one thing to fall back on. In addition, there are often memes I can join in on, for example Wordless Wednesday, that help fill the page. Yet there are days, when there is nothing pressing to write about, when the only articles I’m working on are half formed, or when I’m just too run down to really give an article the necessary attention. Today feels like one of those days.

Outside, it is a grey, windy and rainy day. I’ve written a bit of political stuff recently, and need to balance that out. I do have some thoughts that I hope to draw together in that area. The same is the case with technology. Maybe I’ll rest and have some good thoughts later. Until then, I thought I would spend a little time exploring where I get some of my ideas for writing. It is said that to be a good writer, you need to read a lot. So, I am on numerous email lists, read lots of blog posts every day, and let things percolate.

So, as an example, today I stumbled across Theresa Komor’s blog post about location based searches. I’ve bookmarked it and may work it into some of my writing about the N900.

I also set up CTNewsWire as a mailing list where state and local agencies, elected officials, candidates and advocacy groups can send press releases and media advisories about important issues and events here in Connecticut. The group has been quite successful and is still growing. One interesting development has been emails on behalf of a person fined by the Citizen’s Ethics Advisory Board.

I also receive emails from various Federal agencies, including various emails about the U.S, State of Wisconsin, State of Illinois and State of Michigan filing an anti-trust complaint against Dean Foods Company. This goes back to how milk is distributed in the United States and is probably another good article to write when I have time.

Slowly, I’m starting to get more people interested in the Woodbridge Citizen, and with that, potentially more interesting articles to write.

On the blogging front, Adgitize has been down, so the blogs I’ve been visiting have been a bit more different. I’ve been spending more time using CMF Ads to visit sites. I also, note that a Pubmatic Report that CPM rates spiked in 2009 Q4.

So, today is a day for all these different ideas to simmer and we’ll see what comes up for my next blog post. If you’re a blogger, where do your ideas for blog posts come from?

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