1983 Journal: Jan 8-10

Continuing on with my journal from 1983…

January 8, 1983: A lazy day of anticipation. Anticipating Kate’s party tonight, and travels in April. Prairie Home Companion. Speaking of fear of failure. Belief in things that don’t exists. I believe in Unicorns, elves and the like, and Powder Milk Biscuits. I believe in imaginary manifestations of hope. How is that different from believing in true love etc.?

January 9, 1983: Theology changes at Crace, talk with Fritz. Last night, long talk with Shirley. Talk with Ken. Travel plans being laid. I sit, smoke my pipe, drink my scotch, listen to violin concertos and read Tolstoy. I look forward to drinking scotch with Ken. Bob is starting a class on wealth and poverty. The old covenant provided for great wealth, provided the poor were taken care of. I could enjoy being a great philanthropist. This marks my struggle. Yes, we are to enjoy God’s creation, but not at the expense of others. I too often am concerned with the troubles of others and myself to be joyful.

January 10, 1983: Nicholas Nickelby on TV. That dark depressing Industrialized England of Dickens. I find I long for physical contact. Also work, nothing interesting going on. Hacking around, I think I want to learn PLS and write software. Writing continues to be dry. Good night.

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Second Life Reporters Notebook Feb 2, 2008

It is a Saturday, and I was figuring I would spend a bit of time with my family today. However, there were meetings galore in Second Life. I came into the day with an interesting new perspective. I’ve received press credentials to cover the annual meeting of the Association of Group Psychotherapists. I’ve long been interested in group dynamics online, and whether they could be used for therapeutic purposes. As I spoke with friends who will be at the AGPA annual meeting, I got into a couple side discussions about the possibilities of different types of group therapies in Second Life.

The day started off with fun and games as a friend who is playing Tiny Empires in Second Life contacted me about various changes going on. We spoke with a few others and reorganized some of the feudal hierarchy that we were part of. When this was done, I figured I could devote more time to family life.

However, Gentle Heron of the Heron Sanctuary contacted me. There was a gathering of people from different groups in Second Life that provide support to others. Gentle and I agreed that real life took priority, but I figured I could teleported in and pay partial attention to the meeting as I played Yahtzee with my daughter. As the main part of the meeting wound down, I left to go swimming with Kim and Fiona. I had hoped to write about the meeting when I returned. However, there were a lot of other things going on.

I received a press release that Tyrian Camilo’s SL International Business (SLIB) had entered an advertising and marketing agreement with Codename Denmark. Spontaneous Rich IMed me to fill me in on a meeting of Second Life Creations (SLC). I received an IM about a meeting of the Second Life Business Network Slbiznet and from there went on to a meeting of Central Grid.

Now, over eight hours later, I finally get a chance to sit down and write a little. The various developing stories will have to wait a little longer before they get written

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A new month, and a calendar update

Rabbit, Rabbit, Rabbit. Another month starts off, another opportunity to hope for better days to come. It is the time of year when everyone is trying to figure out which conferences and events they will be going to. Freedom to Connect, Take Back America, Personal Democracy Forum, Netroots Nation, the Democratic National Convention. For me, there are other events not on most people’s radar, like the AGPA annual conference or the NCSL Spring Conference and Falcon Ridge.

So, I’ve now updated my list of upcoming events to provide time, place and notes about each event and whether or not I’m likely to attend any of them.

1983 Journal: Jan 1-3

Twenty-five years ago, I was twenty-three years old and working as a consultant at Bell Laboratories. I had been living the bohemian lifestyle sharing cheap apartments with actors and artists and so during those years I saved up a bit of money. I was struggling with who I was and what I should do with my life. I decided that it would be a good thing for me to go out and see the world, so when my contract at the Labs came up for renewal, I decided to go out and travel around the country and around Europe. I kept a fairly good journal during much of that time, and it seems like this would be a good time to take some of those journal entries and add them into my blog.

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A New Shop in Second Life

Well, today the land where my old shop in Second Life was, got sold. As such, the lease got terminated. The landlord refunded the money still on the lease. So, I’ve spent a little time looking for a new place. I settled on a fairly similar shop on a different parcel run by the same landlord. Here is the new location of Aldon’s shop in Second Life.

Unfortunately, in the move, I’ve misplaced a bunch of my key objects, so I need to go out and recreate things. It is probably long overdue, but on the other hand, I don’t have a lot of time for building new scripts and things. At some point, I’ll write more details about looking for a new shop, building new scripts, etc.

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