Bush Arrest, Dow Chemical accepts responsibility, and other media events

(Originally published in Greater Democracy)

Today, I received an email on one of the many mailing lists I am on entitled:

"I thought it was a joke, but...CNN:Bush arrested in Canada for war crimes"

It pointed to a 'CNN' article, which is an amazing article, with some great lines in it. I encourage everyone to read it.

As some of you know, I've joined Investigative Reporters and Editors. I want to find out the real story, and not just rely on secondary or tertiary sources.

The first place I went, still looking at secondary or tertiary sources, was Google News. They pointed to an article on Slate. It talks about how the news made it to the top of Google News. Slate talks about a different article at Axis of Logic, which unlike the one I received a link to, clearly states that it is a "Political Satire". That article also notes, “But Donald Rumsfeld, George Tenant and others in the Bush regime are being charged with war crimes in Germany and that story is serious.”

They link to their own story for further details, which in turn links to an article on DailyKOS. The DailyKos article links to an article in the Frankfurter Rundschau Online. My German isn’t very good, and I’ve probably dug deep enough, so I stopped there.

Subsequently, I received another email saying, “Sorry-It is a spoof after all”.

One of my current passions is to help people think more critically about the news they receive, whether it be from emails, blogs, or traditional media. I hope many people read through this and think about how they process the information they receive.

Related to that is the issue of how ordinary people can get focus on issues that they feel are important. Many people feel that the atrocities that happened at Abu Ghraib and the search for punishing those responsible hasn’t been pursued adequately. The political satire may help raise the visibility of the issue.

A similar report is now emerging about how the BBC was duped into running a story about Dow Chemical taking complete responsibility the Bhopal disaster. This report also got legs and the other media outlets ran with it.

As people get more sophisticated at gaming the media, the media needs to return to its journalist roots and question sources. So must everyone following the news.

As a final note, the Slate article ends with the comment, “A deeper investigation is called for to determine why, in the two years since their invention, Google News' algorithms have yet to develop a sense of humor.”

Perhaps it has.

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As soon as I opened the link

check the URL, ferchrissake

So polite. greg

Lack of reading comprehension

Most people don't grok, it's

Bush Arrested in Canada for War Crimes