"The War on Journalism"

On October 30, 2006 at a demonstration protesting the murder of journalist Brad Will in Mexico, members of the NYPD assaulted an independent videographer and stole his videocamera.


Watch the video here

I sent the following message to the New York City Police Department:

I am researching a report circulating on the Internet alleging that “On October 30, 2006 at a demonstration protesting the murder of journalist Brad Will in Mexico, members of the NYPD assaulted an independent videographer and stole his videocamera.”

This is described in more detail, including a video at http://iwitnessvideo.info/blog/4.html

Is this being investigated internally? Is there a statement from the Police Department concerning these allegation?

Any information presenting the Police Department's view of what happened would be greatly appreciated.

I received an acknowledgment that my "service request number is 1-1-282740520."
Update 2:
Read this blog post about the response to my email.

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latest police misconduct