Two houses

Today, I received two emails about different houses. One was from Jesse Lee writing about The Gavel, the blog on Speaker Pelosi’s website talking about what is going on in the House of Representatives. I’m glad to see it, and I especially like that there is a kids page on Speaker Pelosi’s site.

The other email was from a friend I know from the Edwards campaign. She writes about how the winter storm affected her in Illinois and gripes about how the AP stories about the storm talk about New York and the Northeast, but they don’t talk a lot about what is happening in Illinois.

Too much of the news and politics online have focus on the national story, and don’t get down to the how it effects people living across the country, in places like Springfield. I do hope that Speaker Pelosi remains down to earth and thinks about how things going on in Congress affects kids across the country and people living in places like Springfield.

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AP Reporting