Faggots for Edwards
Okay, I’ve been busy with some other things recently, so I’m a little late in joining the discussion about Ann Coulter calling John Edwards a faggot. That said, let me propose that we form a group, Faggots for Edwards. In the purest sense, I probably shouldn’t be part of this group. I’m a happily married heterosexual. However, I called a faggot back when I was in junior high school, so I could probably have some sort of honorary membership.
I would propose that we open up the membership to include anyone else who has been called other words like nigger, spic, kike, slut, fattie, geek, dweeb, towelhead or so on. Anyone who does not match airbrushed media image of the perfect American should be invited and encouraged to join. Yes, people like Ann Coulter might condemn this sort of tolerance of ‘multi-culturalism’, but the America that I grew up in was founded by people fleeing intolerance, and those who stand up for the rejected have always been our greatest leaders.
I don’t know what John Edwards was like in junior high school. From what I see of him today, I imagine him as that one cool kid that was nice to all of us ‘faggots’. I imagine him as showing compassion for people who was different from him and who were uncool. Whether or not this is how he was in junior high school, it is the sort of person I see in him as a Presidential candidate today.
So, who’s with me in starting Faggots for Edwards? How is with me in standing against the intolerance that goes against the most basic of American values?
More from the Shill
Submitted by Benny on Sun, 03/04/2007 - 17:01. span>Reuters, who had been silent on reporting this story, released this piece via Yahoo about an hour ago:
"Coulter said the comment was a joke and on her Web site she carried the speech with the comment, "I'm so ashamed, I can't stop laughing." She then said Edwards' campaign chairman's main job was "'fronting for Arab terrorists'."
Oh that's a new one, union activists are now front men for Arab terrorists. Surprised she didn't use the slur raghead, but I guess she felt she used that one already at the last CPAC conference. I wonder she belongs to a free lance writers union or one of those artists' ones. Maybe not.
It amazes me that conservatives such as David Keene, who was on C-SPAN this morning in discussing CPAC, refused to denounce such comments. Instead, Coulter's comments were dismissed as words from a political entertainer.
There were a lot of strong feelings on the bigger blogs about how John Edwards should have responded. On my blog, Benny's World, I have a piece about measured responses and shared a bit of Elizabeth Edwards' words in dealing with an incident regarding a mean-spirited man in Colorado during the last campaign.