Wednesday: Politics, Technology and Media

Today, Kim is testifying before the Government Administration and Elections committee in Hartford on electoral and campaign finance reform. You can see the text of her testimony here.

This makes me a WAHD, (Work at home Dad) today. I'm getting a few things done, but will need to be toddler taxi service shortly.

One project I'm spending a little time working on is SmartContacts. SmartContacts is a Media Wiki where people can store biographical and contact information about people they need to contact. It is open source, the same sort of way that Wikipedia is. If you are using a system that supports interwiki linking, like many Wikis do, as well as CivicSpace and Drupal, linking to a contact is very simple. Unfortunately, Orient Lodge is using an older version of Drupal that doesn't support interwiki linking. I will update one of these days. Until then, at least from here, I will have to write my links out long form. My entry in SmartContacts is Hynes, Aldon.

On the media front, I have been more and more interested in what Investigative Reports and Editors is doing. They have a section, Extra, Extra, which highlights key investigative reports.

Today, they are highlighting a report by Mark Schapiro about how Europe is filling the shoes of the EPA, FDA and the implications it has for U.S. based manufacturers. It is definately worth a read.

her testimony