The Gates
Today, Kim, Miranda, Fiona and I went into New York City to see 'The Gates'. Because of this, I'm now over 400 emails behind, and way behind on my reading for Online Social Networks 2005.
On the one hand, seeing The Gates with a three year old is a trial. It is a lot of work walking through Central Park on a cold day just to look at some pieces of metal with some bright orange cloth hanging from them.
On the other hand, it is a unique experience that should not be missed. As we drove down we talked about issues like, "Is it right to spend however much money was spent on The Gates when people are starving?" and "Is it art? What is art anway?"
As we were there, we saw a park full of people who had come out to experience The Gates. I talked with Miranda about what it would be like to recreate The Gates in a three dimensional avatar based virtual reality like Runescape or Second Life.
You can see pictures of our experience on Flickr. You can see a satellite view here.
Is it worth it? Is it art? Well, I guess that it up to each of us to decide. For me, I am very glad I went to see it and I hope as many people see it as possible.
Did you see it? What do you think?
The Gates
Submitted by Anonymous on Wed, 02/23/2005 - 13:26. span>As much as I'd like to, I will not have the opportunity to see the Gates. I'm glad to see the project come to fruition, after having seen plans for it in an exhibit in DC.
I'm leaving this comment to add, for the record, that the project was funded entirely by the artists. Whether they should be doing other things with their own money is still worth questioning...
Submitted by Anonymous on Thu, 09/11/2008 - 11:15. span>I work for Dish Network (big deal) and after reading your article, I felt a bit better. It's a measly-Mc-Job.
I am so caught-up with a gillion channels of DISH-THIS, DIRECTV-THAT and TiVo that I should just stop a second and slow down.
Thanks for your article. It was very informative.