NPR and Twitter
It is Saturday morning. I turn on my laptop and check various websites; new friends to add on Facebook, Tweets to reply to on Twitter. I grab a cup of coffee and tune in Weekend Edition on NPR. I am not alone. NPR has just run a story about Twitter, and Andy Carvin’s efforts to get Dan Schorr to use Twitter. In the world of Twitter, it is a big story.
During the time that Weekend Edition is on in my area, there are nearly 300 tweets about NPR. Many are simply saying, “Listening to NPR”. Others go into much more detail. They talk about the weather. Some people are experiencing snow or rain. For others it is just overcast. Some try to beat the weather by sitting next to a fire in the fireplace. For me, it is a beautiful sunny day, but we do have a winter storm watch for tomorrow evening.
A few people mention their morning beverage. In my sample there are twice as many coffee drinkers as tea drinkers. No one tweeted about Latte, but there was one cappuccino drinker. For food, people talk about corn bread, oatmeal and barley soup.
Listeners talk about still being in bed, or in their bathrobes. Some are doing crossword puzzles or looking at news papers. Others talk about sleeping babies and sleeping dogs. Still others are starting to garden, do the laundry, take their dogs for a walk, or watch birds.
Nearly half of the people mention the NPR story about Twitter and a couple dozen have said that they have started using Twitter because of the story. The responses are varied, about whether or not Dan Schorr ‘gets Twitter’, about how long NPR has been following Twitter. To the person that thinks that NPR just discovered Twitter, they have had Andy Carvin working for them and Twittering for quite a while. Andy has already sent out over 20,000 tweets on Twitter. However, I haven’t been able to get to any of his messages prior to last July.
Responses to the twitter story include discussions about ‘editorless content’, the agora, and the quote, “Twitter: Because no man is an island”.
People are also talking about other stories they’ve enjoyed. Many talk about the economy. Others talk about the library blog, a story about algebra, the interview with Philippe Petit or the piece on Van Morrison’s Astral Weeks. This is an area that I like. With Twitter, I can join with likeminded people around the country who are also listening to and sharing their reactions to Twitter.
NPR becomes a top trend on Twitter, at least for the morning, and many people comment on it. Later, the trend gets passed by Transparency Camp, “un-conference … about convening a trans-partisan tribe of open government advocates from all walks …to share knowledge on how to use new technologies to make our government transparent and meaningfully accessible to the public.” To great trends that ought to go good together.
So, next week, I’ll probably listen to Saturday Weekend Edition with Twitter Search tuned to NPR. Perhaps we can continue the discussion there.
I had a good discussion with
Submitted by jimmybond09 on Tue, 04/21/2009 - 00:51. span>I had a good discussion with David on the phone about these issues, and today, I received a follow up email from him. Here is the gist of my response, altered a little to fit the blog.
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If you missed his subtitle,
Submitted by jimmybond09 on Sat, 04/18/2009 - 10:29. span>If you missed his subtitle, “Why tweeting lawmakers are good for democracy”, it would be easy to think that Andy is criticizing Rep. Holder-Winfield. A better title might have been something like Gary Uses Facebook to be a More Effective State Representative.
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