What are the journalistic implications of MSNBC's recent poll?
Submitted by Aldon Hynes on Tue, 08/31/2004 - 14:22
It makes them look like an arm of the RNC
25% (1 vote)
It further erodes MSNBCs credibility
0% (0 votes)
MSNBC lost all its credibility long ago
75% (3 votes)
Total votes: 4
Submitted by Anonymous on Wed, 09/01/2004 - 11:03. span>It makes them look like an arm of the RNC.
Ten Commandments I want it everywhere
Submitted by Anonymous on Thu, 03/03/2005 - 00:26. span>I am a Democrat, I can't stand Bush. I want some kind of morality and heretage for the children. I want the 10 commandments in every school in this nation, and I want the kids to recite the Pledge. Sharon D Kerley kerley983@aol.com born oct. 11, 1937. How dare someone conme from another country and try to take over, they need to go home. We are good enough to share this country, If I went to Iran or Saudi Arabia, do you really think that I would have any say in the way they operate their country??????? absolutely no. Remember Colombine? The kids were all praying, that is as it should be. Sharon kerley