Speeding State Reps.

Driving home this evening at about 9:30 on the Merritt, I was riding along in the right hand lane. In front of me, the car was doing about 53 and I was looking into the left hand lane for my opportunity to pull out and pass. In the left hand lane, a car was doing about 60. My chance to pull out and pass would come soon.

Then a vehicle comes barreling up the left hand lane and flashes his lights at the car doing 60. It pulls ahead of the car in front of me and the vehicle that flashed its lights is gone down the road.

I dislike aggressive driving like that, and if this had been more egregious and my wife was with me, she might have called 911 and reported the vehicle.

I glanced at the license plate. It was a State Representative heading home from Hartford. The license plates are easy to recognize and the assembly district is the number on the plates.

It is a long drive from Hartford back to lower Fairfield County, especially after a long day of a special session.

I pulled out into the passing zone, and even doing 70, I could not catch up with the State Representative. I didn’t know which State Representative it was, but when I got home it was easy to look up. Check out http://www.cga.ct.gov/asp/menu/hlist.asp for a list of State Reps.

So, if you’re a political blogger, what do you do? Should I have called the State Police to report an aggressive driver? Should I just send an email to the State Representative? Should I write a blog post about it? Should I tell you which State Rep?

My decision: I’m writing this blog post. I will send a private email to the State Rep gently suggesting they be more responsible in their driving. What do you think?

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Speeding State Reps