Common Cause Connecticut Fair Campaign Pledge
It is always a difficult issue of whether to unilaterally disarm in a contest. What is more important, playing in the spirit of the contest, or winning? If, by winning, you may gain the ability to get the rules of the contest changed to make them more fair, should you play by the less fair goals for some great ultimate good?
These are the sort of questions people have long grappled with in terms of election law. Is it okay to accept PAC money? What should you do if someone is running a secretive campaign? I've thought about this as I've worked on my campaign. Fortunately, Connecticut has some of the best campaign finance laws in the nation, and I'm proudly participating in the Citizen's Election Program.
But, what about disclosure? Unfortunately, Gov. Malloy vetoed a bill that would have made Connecticut a leader in disclosure laws as well. Perhaps we can get this passed in the next session. However, until then, should I work towards disclosure in my campaign?
In my case, I don't believe that it would give my opponent any significant advantage if I agree to the terms of Common Cause's Fair Campaign Pledge.
So, I'm posting the pledge here, a pledge I intend to abide by, and one that I hope my opponent will also abide by.
I pledge to conduct my campaign and, to the extent reasonably possible, insist that my
supporters conduct themselves, in a manner consistent with the best Connecticut and
American traditions, discussing the issues and presenting my record and policies with sincerity
and candor.I pledge to ask all outside spenders to refrain from outside spending in my race, including all
independent expenditures and issue advocacy advertisements that attack my opponents or
party or support my candidacy or party;I pledge that neither my campaign nor my campaign staff will coordinate with any outside
groups who intend to engage in independent expenditures or electioneering communications;I pledge to promptly and publicly repudiate the support of any individual or group that resorts,
on behalf of my candidacy or in opposition to that of an opponent, to methods in violation of
the letter or spirit of this code.If elected, I pledge to work to pass strong disclosure reform that forces secret outside spenders
to disclose the true source of their funding so that such expenditures cannot be hidden behind
conduits, intermediaries, and shadowy front groups used to mask the true sources of funds. I
will also work to support strong coordination rules so that outside spending is not coordinated
with candidates or their operatives in any way.I, the undersigned, candidate for election to public office in the State of Connecticut, hereby
voluntarily endorse, subscribe to and solemnly pledge to conduct my campaign in accordance
with the above principles and practices.