What about the rest of us?
Submitted by Aldon Hynes on Tue, 10/16/2007 - 19:04I’ve written various posts about the Avery Doninger case. I’ve focused on Avery’s role. I’ve talked about the role of the Principal and Superintendent. I’ve touched upon the role of the board of education, but haven’t really talked much about our role in this.
The school board is elected by us. We have a responsibility to be involved in our schools. As parents, we need to be in our schools advocating for our children. As business people we need to be in our schools advocating for our future employees. As citizens, we need to be involved in the electoral process and holding the officials we elect accountable.
When I first started covering the Doninger case, I spoke with my father-in-law about it. He is a retired Special Agent for the U.S. Treasury Department. In 2002, he served as a member of the Tri-Town Amity Investigation Committee, which investigated the operating deficit of the Amity Regional School District for the fiscal years ending June30, 2000 and June 30, 2001.
In the cover letter to their report, they said,
Before the detail is discussed, it is critical to understand that the primary cause of the deficit is a culture which has been years in the making and, in fact, continues to this day. This culture is one of a lack of accountability that emanates from the Amity Board of Education
(Emphasis added)
In a few weeks, voters across the state will go to the polls to elect board of education members. Are you asking serious questions about not only how much money your local school board will spend, but also, how wisely will it spend it? What will your local school district be doing for preparing students for twenty first century careers where so much takes place online? Will it enact draconian measures to thwart students’ communications online, or will it work with students to help them become stronger advocates both online and offline?
BREAKING: Real Edwards Supporter in Romantic Relationship spills beans on video
Submitted by Aldon Hynes on Thu, 10/11/2007 - 20:31There has been a lot of talk recently about a supporter of John Edwards having a romantic relationship with him. These reports have been pretty well debunked. However, I have searched around, asking friends that that pay much more attention to these sort of stories that I do, and I finally found the key video.
In the video, a long time Edwards supporter who not only is in an amazing romantic relationship with with Sen. Edwards, but also, is reported to have given birth to children as a result of this relationship, spills the beans about this on a YouTube video.
Check it out: here!
Absolutely must see video!
(Cross posted at MyDD)
Random Stuff
Submitted by Aldon Hynes on Thu, 10/11/2007 - 19:36I’ve just started playing with Zude!. You can see my page here. The interface seems very nice.
Knowprose and I were talking the other day about different ways people make money online. One site that he recommended was Zazzle. It is similar to CafePress and looks pretty nice. You can see Knowprose’s Zazzle page here.
Leslie Graves posted a link to the Team Avery Facebook group about the Sam Adams Alliance post about Avery’s case.
(Remember, join the Facebook group, contribute here, and be sure to come to Poets and Writers for Avery this coming Sunday in Litchfield).
Kim pointed me to the Parenting for Peace Blog. Worth a visit.
I also stumbled across Dylan Messaging. Absolutely brilliant. I had to give them my name, email address and website, but it’s worth it.
I also stumbled across Socializer.
Social bookmark this page
Interesting to explore.
Another friend pointed me to FlugPo. I’ve set up my initial id here, but it didn’t really catch my imagination yet.
Finally, I stumbled across Slide.Com’s guestbook.
Here’s mine:
Enough for now...
Wordless Wednesday
Submitted by Aldon Hynes on Wed, 10/10/2007 - 09:15Poets and Writers for Avery
Submitted by Aldon Hynes on Sun, 10/07/2007 - 08:26It’s been a couple of weeks since I’ve written anything about the Avery Doninger case. Things have been moving slowly and surely in the background. The next big event is the Poets and Writers for Avery. It will be happening in Litchfield next Sunday.
Andy Thibault provides a schedule for the day. Bob Morris provides the background.
MyLeftNutmeg provides a place for progressives to get together and discuss the issue, and there is a Facebook Group. Please, join the communities of people supporting Avery.
Most importantly, this is a fundraiser. Please contribute and spread the word. Add the ChipIn Widget to any sites that you have.
We all need to work together to defend our freedom of speech, and I hope to see many of you at Poets and Writers for Avery.