Possible Lieberman Challenger
Submitted by Aldon Hynes on Mon, 03/21/2005 - 20:14Today, I received the following press release concerning a possible primary challenge to Senator Lieberman. I am in the process of writing a long post about political primaries. That should be up soon. Until then, please consider the following:
Terri and Sun
Submitted by Aldon Hynes on Sun, 03/20/2005 - 23:12Some months ago, Sigmund, Carl, and Alfred praised my blog for being willing to enter into a well thought out dialog about political issues. They also pointed to My Vast Right Wing Conspiracy and Maxed out Mama.
There are many topics worthy of political debate right now. What should be done to make sure that Social Security will remain as vibrant and effective forty years from now, as it is today? How do we make sure that elected officials, such as Tom Delay, Lamar Smith or Tom Cole behave ethically? How can the situation in Iraq be improved two years after the invasion? Where should the money be spent in State and Federal budgets?
So, where am I?
Submitted by Aldon Hynes on Mon, 03/14/2005 - 10:37It is Monday about 8 am in Austin Texas. I write this partly as a chance to ground myself. I’ve been all over the place for the past several days, meeting diverse collection of people and this post will recount a little bit of these travels.
Transformative Democracy
Submitted by Aldon Hynes on Tue, 03/08/2005 - 21:07It has been over a week since I have written a blog entry at Orient Lodge, and much long since I have written anything for Greater Democracy. However, there has been a lot brewing in my mind and hopefully this long post will pull together many thoughts on how democracy can be more participatory and deliberative in the age of Internet technology.
Interactive Deliberation
Submitted by Aldon Hynes on Thu, 02/24/2005 - 10:34Recently, I received an email from a friend who works for the evening news at one of the major networks. I had sent him an email about Epic. He found it interesting and send a great email back. I started writing my response, but as it tied in more and more of what has been going on for me over the past few weeks, it occurred to me that it might be a better blog post. So, please continue reading for a long entry about journalism, politics and technology.