
Entries related to technology.


Link Popularity Check
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A while ago, Uptimebot somehow found Kim's campaign website. I started playing with Uptimebot and found that I really like it.

One interesting thing I discovered checking statistics for this site. Yahoo has found 17 backlinks to this site. MSN and Altavista have both found 16 backlinks to this site. Alltheweb has found 12.

Google has not found any, even though I am using Google Ads.

Creating political maps

Recently, I’ve been interested in using computers to generate maps for political purposes. Folks from CCAG helped train me in using ArcView. ArcView is a very impressive mapping program. It is very powerful, and hence very complicated. I’ve used it to produce turf maps like this.. I still feel as if I’ve barely scratched the surface. I am hoping to see some integration between mapping software and projects such as CivicSpace or Advokit

Convention Coverage, another view

(Originally published in Greater Democracy)

In Convention Coverage is a Failed Regime and Bloggers Have Their Credentials, Jay Rosen writes: As far as I know, no one has a convincing notion of what a political convention is , anymore, or why 15,000 people are there to cover it.

He goes on to talk about the convention as either a news event or a media event. This feeds into the discussion going on about how journalistic the bloggers will or should be.


(Originally published in Local Pols)


Recently, in an online chat, I was asked the difference between PHP and PHP-Nuke. I explained that one was a programming language, and the other was a content management system. The person who had asked me the questioned nodded politely, and then asked again what the difference was. From there, I went into a discussion about different programming languages and different ways of setting up websites. Another person joined the chat and asked if I was speaking Klingon.

Based on this, and other discussions I’ve had recently, I have decided to write my comments about different types of websites.

KOS Trackbacks

(Originally published on my MovableType blog and moved here for consolidation).

This morning, I noticed that DailyKOS now has a trackback link beneath each story. Is KOS successfully using trackbacks from Scoop?

We shall see.

I guess not. The ping returned:
Ping '' failed: HTTP error: 500 Internal Server Error

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