
Entries related to technology.

More on Podcasting.

Today doing my Blog Explosion surfing, I stumbled across modern marketing by collaborative marketing services These sort of ‘blogs’ are one of the things I dislike most about Blog Explosion. Generally, they are poorly constructed advertisement for web hosting, web design, or some sort of online marketing expertise.

However, this one had an article about Podcasting. It is a simple introduction to what podcasting is and it has a few interesting links. One is to a blog entry by Steve Rubel in Micro Persuasion about Pondering Possibilities in Podvertising. This is a good article about what is going on with podcasting. To me, it feels a little over optimistic, based on what I’ve seen for podcasts so far. It does note the trend of mainstream media to adopt Podcasting. There is quite a discussion and set of trackbacks there.

Micropayments in an open content gift based internet economy

This morning, as I surfed blogs using Blog Explosion, I stumbled across this article: Another non-starter: Micropayments .

It notes, “Here's another non-starter: Micropayments. … There IS value in micropayments. They might work some day. But not any time soon. The problem isn't technology. It's the marketplace” It points to an article by Clay Shirkey, Fame vs Fortune: Micropayments and Free Content, which goes on to talk further about why Micropayment systems are failing. Clay points to an article by Nick Szabo about the The Mental Accounting Barrier to Micropayments. He goes on to talk about how most people are giving away free content, and why would people pay, when they can get the content free.

Podcasting with Drupal

I've been thinking a lot about Podcasting recently and set up iPodder on my PC. I think podcasting is an important part of a shift in the distribution of content.

I regularly listen to Coverville which I get as Podcast.

So, the question comes up, can you use Drupal for Podcasting.

Microsoft Space Beta

Well, I have just set up a test blog over in Microsoft Space

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Follow your passion

There is an old say, follow your passion and the money will follow. Well, I’ve been following my passion, and I’m still waiting. This evening, my passion has me sitting on a train into New York City. I will be having dinner with Dean Landsman to talk about blogs, radio, podcasting, and who knows what else.

Today, I downloaded iPodder and have loaded a couple Podcasts onto my laptop. I am listening to Coverville. It is a 25 meg file that I downloaded via iPodder and copied to my laptop. My initial reaction to iPodder was, “Where is the good content?” Coverville is some of that good content. At this moment, I’m listening to Sid Vicious singing, “My way”. This is the sort of stuff you can’t get on the canned anesthetized mainstream media.

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