Archive - May 12, 2010

New Google Game: Find Your Location – Google Disses CT

(Hopefully, this will get fixed soon, but until it does…)

Go to Google News. If you have a section for showing Local news, check to see what your local news is set at. I live in Woodbridge, CT, and it has been showing Woodbridge, VA. Poking around I found other Connecticut locations that Google is screwing up.

Here is my list so far:

06525 or Woodbridge, CT returns Woodbridge, VA
06524 or Bethany, CT returns Bethany, OK
06001 or Avon, CT returns Avon, IN
Branford, CT returns Branford, FL
06471 or North Branford, CT returns North, Cameroon
06612 or Easton, CT returns Easton, NJ
06825 or Fairfield, CT returns Fairfield, CA
06883 or Weston, CT returns Weston, FL
06423 or East Haddam, CT returns East, Cameroon
Union CT returns Union UT, but 06076 returns Stratford Springs, CT
Lisbon, CT returns Lisbon, Portugal.

Do you have any other good Google Location Gaffs?

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Wordless Wednesday

20100509_001.jpg, originally uploaded by Aldon.

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