Archive - Apr 18, 2011

Music Monday - Stephen Colarelli

With my new job, I haven’t had as much time to dedicate to writing blog posts as I would like. It’s been compounded by computer problems at home and just doing a lot of writing at work. Yet there is an interesting overlap between some of my work writing and my personal writing. Earlier this month, I wrote a blog post AmeriCorps Members a Decade Later. It was about two doctors at CHC who had been AmeriCorps members and are now doctors.

I thought of this as I started writing my blog post about Stephen Colarelli. His bio on Sonicbids includes:

Steve went to Senegal, in West Africa, as a Peace Corps volunteer. He lived in a small village working on agricultural projects. During his spare time he continued to play the guitar and write music. He formed a rock band with several other Peace Corps volunteers, and they would play for dances when they were in Senegal’s capital city, Dakar. After the Peace Corps, he earned a doctorate in psychology, began a career as a college professor and put music on the back burner. Years later, he got a call from one of his Peace Corp buddies about a reunion, and they talked about getting the band back to gather to play at the reunion. They did, and from then on, Steve has devoted much of his free time to writing, producing, and recording music.

There is something deep, tuneful, yet simple about his music, something I imagine it would have been great to listen to in Senegal, or on a college campus in Michigan. You see, Dr. Colarelli isn’t just Peace Corp alumnus and a performer; he is also a psychology professor who is currently working on a book, “Handbook of The Biological Foundations of Organizational Behavior”.

As with other Music Monday posts, let me end off by providing a video.

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