Archive - May 23, 2011

Draft Chris Healy 2012

Today’s Hartford Courant Daily Buzz asks the question:

Which Republican candidate has a shot at beating President Obama?

As of around 7:30 PM, Ron Paul is leading with 50% of the votes. Michele Bachmann is coming in second with 18% of the votes, followed closely by ‘none of them’.

With that, it looks like Republicans may have difficulties finding a candidate that can take on President Obama.

Meanwhile, over on CTNewsJunkie, there is a lot of discussion about a campaign for GOP Chairman in Connecticut. Former Senator Bill Aniskovich is rumored to be considering running for GOP Chair as we wait to hear if current chairman Chris Healy will run for re-election. It seems as if Democrats and comedians are almost as excited about Healy remaining GOP Chair in Connecticut as they are about Michele Bachmann running for President. Then it struck me, what we really need is Chris Healy to run for President in 2012. Will you join with me in a Draft Chris Healy for President in 2012? Healy-Bachmann, because one nutcase is not enough.

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