WSE Suspends Trading!
Submitted by Aldon Hynes on Fri, 01/04/2008 - 03:32I’m rushing off to do politics for the next few days, and won’t be able to pay close attention to the Second Life Stock Exchanges. However, I did get a note earlier this morning about the World Stock Exchange (WSE) in Second Life shutting down for up to 45 days for a software upgrade.
There is a bit of a discussion about it over on the Second Life Forums. It isn't very friendly, and people ask what others would think if the NASDAQ suspended trading for a month for a software upgrade.
I have not been able to get in touch with members of the Second Life Exchange Commission (SLEC), however, they issued a recommendation a while ago, which caused great turmoil, when they suggested investors withdraw from WSE. I expect IntLibber to be writing a memo any moment saying, “I told you so.”
Second Life Major Stock Holders
Submitted by Aldon Hynes on Mon, 12/31/2007 - 15:00As I watch stock trading in Second Life, I like to pay close attention to who some of the large stock holders are, and what they are doing. When looked at on a day-to-day basis, the information isn’t often all that interesting. Marc Attenborough has bought an additional thousand shares of INC. Maelstrom Baphomet has bought 500 more shares of DGD and Skip Oceanlane has sold 3,000 shares of ITA.
Sometimes, however, larger shifts are noticeable. For example, Patrickj Ah recently sold 50,000 shares of AVC. Stryker Yoshikawa bought 27,890 shares and Monkey Canning bought 44,000 shares. This caused me to take a closer look at the major holders of AVC.
Additional developments in Second Life Brokerage
Submitted by Aldon Hynes on Fri, 12/28/2007 - 23:08Since I first wrote about LLBT opening up its brokerage, another 2,751 shares have traded on their site. That’s still a very small number, but it is the end of the year and trading is thin. What is more significant is that 1,151 shares were of BBX, and that was enough to move it from the IPO stage to regular trading. This gives us a chance to look a little more closely at how things are likely to work.
Second Life Trading Predictions
Submitted by Aldon Hynes on Fri, 12/28/2007 - 14:02Okay, all of you Second Life traders out there, who wants to make any predictions about trading in Second Life for 2008? I have two types of predictions. First, big picture predictions, how many exchanges will there be in Second Life at the end of 2008? Will any major corporations step into the fray? How many IPOs will there be? How many companies will fail? Will brokerage emerge? Trading in futures, options, commodities, indices, other types of securities? What else is likely to emerge? Add your comments below, or send me an email with your predictions.
Then, for the more serious Second Life trader, I’m putting up a list of current companies on the SlCapex, ACE, and VSTEX exchanges. These are the exchanges that have good data feeds to run analysis on. I’m posting the support level, resistance level, as well as the bid, ask and last as of creating my spreadsheet. There are two columns at the end of it. One is to predict the share price at the end of 2008 and the other is to put in the predicted average monthly dividend. It is a comma delimited file that can easily be loaded into Excel or other spreadsheets. Down the file, add your projections in the final two columns and email your predictions to me at aldon dot hynes at orient dash lodge dot com.
Second Life Brokerage
Submitted by Aldon Hynes on Thu, 12/27/2007 - 20:26Yesterday, L&L Bank and Trust issued this statement about what they have been up to. Of interest to many is the addition of brokerage to their services. What will this really look like? Xavier Mohr addresses the idea here. Will this be the first brokerage, or a sixth exchange, Xavier asks. Is this a good or bad thing?