Smiles in Second Life
Submitted by Aldon Hynes on Wed, 12/26/2007 - 19:54“You don’t realize that avatars don’t usually smile until someone offers you one.” That is what Joni Rich said to me as she explained the “Colgate Smile” campaign in Second Life. It presents a much different view of the campaign than was described in this Massively entry. Perhaps, that is because Joni and her company is approaching things from a different perspective reflecting changes going on in marketing as well as one of the key components of what makes Second Life more than just a more immersive website.
SL Trading and Other News
Submitted by Aldon Hynes on Mon, 12/24/2007 - 15:19Over the past week two Second Life stocks have reached all time highs, at least since I’ve been gathering information. RIS traded at 250 L$. It has since dropped down into its normal range. Prior to that, its highest value had been 100 L$. This appears to be more of an anomaly than a significant event. Resistance for RIS, based on standard deviations is at 138 L$.
VSE broke through its barrier of .50 L$ for the first time, trading up to .52 L$, it’s new resistance level. Since then, shares have traded at the bid price of .48 L$, but the asking price remains .52 L$.
ATG, QCL and WPM traded at both new highs and new lows over the past week. This isn’t too surprising for ATG or WPM as they are relatively new issues. It is more significant for QCL which has been listed since 11/15/07. At present, QCL’s bid is higher than its last low price, and its ask is close to the high end of its range. Some of this may be due to low volume.
Seven stocks hit new lows during the week, but have bounced back from these lows. These include BDVR, LCA, AVC, BMG, BNF, DFC, and IBF. It has been a good week to have bottom fishing bids in.
In other Second Life news, Giulio Perhaps has a great blog post up about his OpenSim future – wishlist. In it, he talks about Central Grid and particularly his thoughts about the role of currency in virtual worlds. This is an area that deserves a lot more attention, on many levels and if it weren’t Christmas Eve with a lot of other things to focus on, I would write a longer article on some of the issues that this raises. Maybe after the holidays
Papa's Birthday
Submitted by Aldon Hynes on Mon, 12/24/2007 - 08:44Well, it’s been a few months, but yesterday, I missed a day of blogging. I’ve been fighting a stomach bug, it was Papa’s birthday, the server crashed, and we had a power outage. More later.
In other news, Dedric Mauriac has a post up about expanding the number of groups people in Second Life can be in. Dedric points to a post by Veyron making the same call. When Veyron voted for the change, there were 386 votes. The hope was to get this up to 500 or even a thousand. Dedric's vote was 399. Mine was 613. If you are in Second Life, you can vote here.
Second Life Trading: Where have all the buyers gone?
Submitted by Aldon Hynes on Fri, 12/21/2007 - 14:19Over the past few days, spreads have widened drastically on both the VSTEX and ACE exchanges. Most of this change has come as buyers have disappeared. There are still plenty of sellers and this has driven down both the bid and the last prices, but the asking prices aren’t really moving much.
VSTEX had its third busiest day of the month yesterday, but still the movement appears to be based simply on the disappearance of buyers and not on any fundamental changes, negative news or even panic buying.
Based on this, it seems like this is a good time to step in and place orders for stocks that you are interested in that seem undervalued. I’ve placed a fair amount of orders and have been picking up stocks at prices I consider way below their market value. In one case, I turned around sold some of the shares at nearly twice the price I paid for them in less than 24 hours. I will gladly buy stocks and sell them the next day at twice the price as often as I can.
Second Life Trading Technical Analysis
Submitted by Aldon Hynes on Tue, 12/18/2007 - 17:29As we get further into the holiday season, trading in Second Life to continue to slow. Maelstrom Baphomet started off his most recent post noting that “There's not much to say about the market this part of the year as it tends to get slow and sluggish as not to many people bother with their investments or tracking the market around the holidays…”
A brief glance at the exchanges seems to bear this up, with the exception of Monkey Canning buying 100,000 shares of AVC yesterday. With less players in the market, there could be some good trading opportunities in the event that a stray seller comes by when there aren’t a lot of buyers. So, I thought it would be interesting to look at some of the technical data for various stocks.
BDVR, BNT, BMG, DFC, MED, QCL, and VHI all saw their support levels drop. WJUV, DCTY, LCA, SLCX, AVC, IBF, and SBP all saw widening as both their support levels dropped and their resistance levels increased. ESN, BHE and fifteen stocks on SlCapEx all saw their resistances levels climb.
While it is hard to tell how much of this is because of fundamental changes, and how much is because traders aren’t paying close attention right now, my guess is that a lot of the drop in the support level for several of the stocks, especially those that saw their resistance level increase at the same time, is because buyers and sellers are doing other things for the holiday season, and this may present some good trading opportunities.