Tsunami Relief

For the past week or so, I've been meaning to write my thoughts about Tsunami relief, but I haven't gotten to it. This morning, I read a post in Michele's blog about tsunami relief that I encourage everyone to go check out. A donor has offered to donate a dollar to Oxfam for each comment posted.

Normally, I don't like these sort of things. It sounds a little bit too much like, 'If you send this email to that person Microsoft will give you $100', or the story of the boy that received 100,000 get well cards, and his family continues to receive them five years after the boy died.

But, Michele and her friend are very much on the up and up. They will be checking the validity of the comments to make sure they aren't spammed. It is only for a twenty four hour period, etc.

Please, go and add a comment, and if you aren't broke (like I am), I challenge you to join the challenge and make a similar pledge.

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