More Random Stuff
My Internet connection is still down at home. It came up briefly last night, long enough to get out the queued up emails that I had written and to receive those waiting for me. I’ve read through a bunch of them and have more emails queued up.
The Caffeinated Geek Girl writes about ” a friend who's 18 year old daughter has been battling Leukemia for over a year”. She has a pointer to the Gift of Life Bone Marrow Registry. I would also like to highlight the National Marrow Donor Program as well as their Center for Cord Blood.
DogStar has a post about opposition to S1139/HR2669. This is a bill, supported by the AKC, would “strengthen the ability of the Secretary of Agriculture to regulate the pet industry”. Opponents say that it is introducing too much regulation on pet owners and particularly rescue organizations.
It does seem to exempt people who sell less than 25 pets, although I don’t see anything protecting rescue organizations. Reilly was a rescue, and I do worry about how this would affect rescues, and I do worry about if this is introducing unnecessary legislation that supports major breeding organizations and thwarts mom and pop breeders. I’m interested in finding out more from both sides.
Lawrence Lessig has a very interesting blog post about Anime Music Videos. It is a must read. I am interested in it for two different reasons. First, my eldest daughter introduced me to AMVs recently and we watched a bunch of them together. It also ties into the idea that the Internet is making it easier for all of us to be creators, which is likely to have all kinds of interesting ramifications, not only to copyright law which Lessig is so interested in, but also to all kinds of other topics, including political involvement.
Anyway, when my Internet connection at home comes back up, I’ll dig up my daughter’s email address and point out the article to her.
Over at Connecticut Local Politics we are celebrating its First Anniversary. It is also worth noting that today is the 300th anniversary of the birth of Benjamin Franklin. There is also a post of a Q&A with Ned Lamont.
One final note, I have a new post up over on Toomre Capital Markets about Nielsen Buzzmetrics.
From CGG
Submitted by Anonymous on Fri, 01/20/2006 - 00:29. span>Thanks so much for the plug Aldon. :)