Archive - 2004

November 2nd

Election Day

It is four thirty in the morning. The cat woke me up asking for an early breakfast. Our alarm clocks are set to go off at five, so I figured I am up for the duration, and a long duration I expect it to be.

It feels a lot like Christmas right now, all of the planning and anticipation. I was up last night getting the house all prepared and decorated for today's Get Out the Vote activities.

There was a meeting last night at the local Democratic Headquarters on how to run an effective GOTV effort, and they run a great operation in Stamford.

I've been spending a lot of time at headquarters, so I'm way behind on email, blog entries, and general online socializing.

November 1st

An Open Letter in response to Dr. Littlejohn's letter to the Hartford Courant

In his letter to the editor on October 31st, Dr. Charles Littlejohn, who is treasurer of a PAC addresses the risks that doctors face when they become politically involved.

He is right to point out that inaction holds greater risk than involvement. However, he fails to address the real issues of risk. The first risk is presenting views in a manner that may alienate lawmakers, voters and patients.

In many professions, it is inappropriate for a practitioner to express a political viewpoint in ones working environment. I have enjoyed talking with teachers and policemen about their political viewpoints but I would be offended if I saw an on-duty policeman wearing a button supporting one candidate or a teacher at school wearing a button for another candidate.

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October 30th

Saturday Night Update

It has been a long couple of days. I am home decompressing before I pick up one of my daughters from a Halloween party. I am reading blogs and emails, and putting together this post.

As an aside, I am currently over 300 email messages behind. I haven’t been to BlogExplosion or the MOOs in quite a while. Hopefully I can catch up a little bit before crashing.

Yesterday, I created turf maps for much of Stamford. (See my entry here and here for some of my comments on political map making).

This morning, I stopped at Greenwich Democratic Headquarters and dropped off a box of walk cards for Kim’s campaign. Hopefully, a lot of them will get distributed over the next 72 hours.

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October 27th

The politics of baseball

You know, when Kim entered the race for State Rep in our heavily Republican district, I figured she had about as much chance of winning as the Red Sox had of sweeping the World Series after coming back from being down three games in the playoffs, and having it culminate during a lunar eclipse.

The way Kim's campaign is going, I still think the chances are about the same.


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October 27th

Representative Democracy

(Originally published in Greater Democracy)

According to his blog, Josh Ferguson has finally voted. With the Blogger’s for Bush banner on his site, I expect that I probably would have voted differently than he did on many issues. However, is blog entry about voting has some very important comments.

He lives in California and notes that he and his wife spent six hours studying the 24 different propositions on his ballot. He writes about this: