
Quote of the day

I stumbled over this quote over at the Online Social Networks conference. I thought it was a great quote, and would share it here:

Some problems are so complex that you have to be highly intelligent and well informed just to be undecided about them.

Laurence J. Peter

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The Gates

Today, Kim, Miranda, Fiona and I went into New York City to see 'The Gates'. Because of this, I'm now over 400 emails behind, and way behind on my reading for Online Social Networks 2005.

Miranda and Fiona at The Gates Originally uploaded by Aldon.

Miranda and Fiona at The Gates
Originally uploaded by Aldon.

Miranda and Fiona standing beneath one of The Gates in New York's Central Park

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There ought to be a law...

No sooner had I posted a comment on a forum about the famous $250 Neiman Marcus Cookies, than I got an email pointing me to this site.

New Legislation Would Ban Urban Legends

By Brian Briggs

Washington D.C. – A new law proposed by a bipartisan group of Representatives would outlaw the spread of "urban legends."

Pushdown stack overflow


Okay. So, I have over 400 messages in my inbox. There are 66 discussions I am behind in at the Online Social Networks conference.

Lots of people want help with their websites or CivicSpace modules. All of this is either unpaid, or people have said that they will pay me some nominal amount sometime in the future. I need to find a real source of income. I need to catch up on all my online activities. I need to spend time with my family. I am this close to hitting 'Delete all unread email' and 'Mark all discussions read'

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