
Entries related to things political.

More on Podcasting.

Today doing my Blog Explosion surfing, I stumbled across modern marketing by collaborative marketing services These sort of ‘blogs’ are one of the things I dislike most about Blog Explosion. Generally, they are poorly constructed advertisement for web hosting, web design, or some sort of online marketing expertise.

However, this one had an article about Podcasting. It is a simple introduction to what podcasting is and it has a few interesting links. One is to a blog entry by Steve Rubel in Micro Persuasion about Pondering Possibilities in Podvertising. This is a good article about what is going on with podcasting. To me, it feels a little over optimistic, based on what I’ve seen for podcasts so far. It does note the trend of mainstream media to adopt Podcasting. There is quite a discussion and set of trackbacks there.

The direction of the Democratic Party, and the role that Blogs can play

(Originally published in Greater Democracy)

The talk today is about how Oregon DNC member Mary Botkin has been unseated by Jenny Greenleaf! Blue Oregon has particularly good coverage of this, and Political State Report and DailyKOS are also talking about this.

Blue Oregon also notes that Sal Peralta decided not to run against Wayne Kinney. I am disappointed that Sal didn’t run. I love democracy and I love to see it take place when it comes to electing the leadership of the party. I am very excited to see the democratic fervor sweep parts of the party as we decide who the next DNC Chair will be.

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Bush Arrest, Dow Chemical accepts responsibility, and other media events

(Originally published in Greater Democracy)

Today, I received an email on one of the many mailing lists I am on entitled:

"I thought it was a joke, but...CNN:Bush arrested in Canada for war crimes"

It pointed to a 'CNN' article, which is an amazing article, with some great lines in it. I encourage everyone to read it.

As some of you know, I've joined Investigative Reporters and Editors. I want to find out the real story, and not just rely on secondary or tertiary sources.

December 2004 Fairfield County DFA Meetup Report

Wednesday, December 1st, at the Silver Star Diner in Norwalk, we had one of the best DFA Meetups we have had in a long time. Many old friends from the days of Gov. Dean’s 2004 Presidential campaign were there, as were friends from the Kerry Meetups and from some of the local political parties.

Since I am also listed as the organizer for the Farrell for Congress Meetup, which is probably ending now that the campaign is over, and the Democratic Party Meetup, I rescheduled those Meetups to take place at the same time as the DFA Meetup to help build bridges.

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Diner Democrats

(Originally published in Greater Democracy)

Diner Democrats don’t want to be leaders. They don’t want to go to Washington. They believe in representational democracy and want to get good Representatives in Washington. Diner Democrats don’t even really want to be involved in political campaigns. If they have to, they will, and they will do a great job, because Diner Democrats are doers. They get things done.

Diner Democrats get involved in politics because they have to, because there is something important that needs to get done, that no one else is dealing with. They need to see that a park gets fixed or a bike path goes in.

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